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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 2216

After picking them up, Penn decided to grab a bite at a nearby diner close to the institute, indulging in some good old American comfort food.

Later, Rosalynn concocted an excuse to ditch Rose.

The excuse was so flimsy that anyone could tell Rosalynn was trying to get rid of Rose.

But that was precisely the effect Rosalynn was aiming for. Rose was well aware of the place Wayne held in her heart; otherwise, she wouldn't have been sent packing off to the H Country.

In the months they had spent together, Rosalynn could afford to be kind to her, but Wayne remained the hurdle Rose could not clear. That was the only logic that made sense.

Rose played it cool, didn't throw a fit. When Rosalynn told her to leave, she left without protest.d2

Once Rose was out of sight, Penn and Rosalynn retreated to his office.

As soon as the door closed, Penn's smile faded, replaced by a look of exhaustion.

"She seems... different. Maybe you really got through to her," Penn observed, red veins webbed in his eyes from countless sleepless nights.

"Penn," Rosalynn said, her gaze steady on him, "this is for you."

Penn looked puzzled as he took the file folder she pulled from her briefcase.

He opened it and stood frozen, as if struck by lightning.

Inside was a photocopy of Yvette's diary.

"Your parents may have died in a car accident, but Ayden's death cast a long shadow over your father in his last years. His research came to a halt the day Ayden died, and he remained trapped by it until his own end," Rosalynn said with an eerie calm.

Penn and Rose had grown up together. He saw her like a sister, like family. It was normal for him to be protective of Rose, but Rosalynn was determined to open his eyes to the truth.

"Strictly speaking, if Ayden hadn’t died, your father's accident might never have happened," Rosalynn delivered the harsh truth.


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