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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love novel Chapter 2222

As the year drew to a close, Rosalynn was caught up in the whirlwind of corporate affairs, but she still made time to visit Granny Owens at the hospital twice a week.

She and Baillie had consulted with experts from all corners of the globe, assembling them in Harbor City to craft what seemed to be the most effective treatment plan for Granny Owens.

After a stay of over two weeks in the hospital, the much-awaited day of Granny Owens's discharge finally arrived.

Rosalynn had just wrapped up a business trip in Bridgeport. Her plane had barely touched down when she raced to the hospital, with her faithful assistant Rose in tow.

When Rosalynn mentioned picking up Paige's grandmother, Rose had eagerly volunteered to join.

Upon arrival at the hospital, Rose proved to be a helpful presence, encouraging Rosalynn to stay with Granny Owens in the room while she took care of the discharge paperwork.d2

Watching Rose's diligence, Paige couldn't help but praise her to Rosalynn, "She may not have Lola's knack for work, but her attitude is spot on. With the right guidance, she could really shine."

Rosalynn nodded with a smile, "I'm working on that. I take her everywhere with me. There's this new project at Energy Corporation. After this month, once she passes the assessment, I plan to let her lead a team."

Paige thought Rosalynn referred to a standard performance review, but she was still astonished, "The projects at Energy Corporation are plum jobs, but they're tough nuts to crack. Is she up for it?"

"We'll see when she gets there," Rosalynn replied as she sliced a peeled apple, speared a piece with a fork, and offered it to Granny Owens with a warm smile, "Granny, this apple is sweet. Give it a try!"

Granny Owens had always been fond of Rosalynn. Back when Paige was still with the Suttons, it was Rosalynn's protection that spared her from untold harassment.

It was also Rosalynn who had revealed to her Paige's true predicament within the Sutton household.

Grateful for Rosalynn's kindness, Granny Owens's affection had always lingered.

But now, advanced in years, the most she could do for the younger generation was shower them with love, especially Cory, Ivy, and Trista.


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