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The Secrets of the Elements novel Chapter 39

Advika woke up with a start as her phone vibrated. "Hello," she said in a sleepish voice. "Are you still sleeping?" Maya almost screamed. "Did you see my message yet? We are leaving in some time."


Maya had already cut the call before Advika could say anything. She got up and checked her phone.

We will be going to the temple, the forest, and a few other places as these books say so. Will pick you up at 11.

Advika got off the bed and rushed to the bathroom as it was already 10.30 am.


"What happened?" asked Zarna as she paced across Maya's bedroom. "She was sleeping!" yelled Maya and threw the phone on her bed.

"Relax," said Zarna. "You know Advika. And it's a weekend."

"We are on a mission!" emphasized Maya and stood in front of one of the mirrors kept in her room. "Why are the other mirrors covered with white cloth?" asked Zarna and stretched her hand to touch it. "No!" Maya almost screamed.

Zarna withdrew her hands at once. "Okay, okay, I won't remove it," she said and sat on the bed. "Oh," she said and reached for her phone in her sling bag.

Chapter 39: Leap of Faith? 1

Chapter 39: Leap of Faith? 2


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