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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 132

Olivia POV

It’s been ten years today since I got married to the most amazing and sexy man in the face of the earth.

Raphael is still very caring and protective over me.

We still love each other very much and we still have plenty of sex. We can’t get enough of each other.

A lot has happened.

So I am going to clarify some things.

We didn’t have any more kids.

I still run the charity and take care of the kids.

Maria passed away a couple of years ago.

We got hit by death way too much and Took Raphael some time to get over it. I suggested therapy and he said no. He dealt it the way he saw fit.

The kids are amazing. They are all close and they love each other so much.

Raphael has all of the training in combat. Yes, even his little princess.

He has the best of the best training the kids after school.

I am still unconditionally in love with my husband even though he had some indiscretions while he was in pain. Nothing too serious. Some lap dances and I learned to look past it.

You might think it’s stupid of me. But I know he was hurting and trying to destroy himself in the process.

We got over it and it made us stronger.

I have been through a lot. I had some health issues that are now solved. But it took a toll on our mental health.

Raphael POV

Olivia is the love of my life. Our relationship is still strong and unbreakable. I know I was a dick to her from time to time and I had some indiscretions with some strippers but Olivia forgave me as she saw how sorry I was. I am so grateful that she still loves me after everything I did to her.

I lost my mother and Maria in the same month. Maria died of a heart attack during an attack on my family. Obviously, I destroyed the responsible for that. I struggled for a long time with her loss. I wasn’t myself and Olivia took care of me.

I love my wife with all my heart.

I can’t imagine life without her and for a while, I thought I was going to lose her.

Olivia had breast cancer. She fought with all her power and strength and she got over it.

I had to take care of my wife when she was extremely sick and I didn’t know if I could watch her being like that.

Chapter 131 - Bonus - 10 years later 1

Chapter 131 - Bonus - 10 years later 2

Chapter 131 - Bonus - 10 years later 3


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