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The Silent Alpha novel Chapter 60

Fallen Heirs ***Wyatt?*** Korbin is eerily quiet as we drive the last leg of our trip home, staring off at the trees that we zoom past.

It’s frightening.

He’s never quiet.

(had not even set foot on the plane when Korbin called me the day of the attack, the fear thick in his voice as he demanded I return to the hotel.

He could not even explain to me what had happened, his words slurred as he incoherently begged me to come help him.

I did my best to calm him down and stayed on the line with him until I returned to the hotel where I got the shock of my life, finding Caine’s lifeless body stuffed in the back of the truck.

“What happened?” I demanded, unwilling to believe my own eyes as! stared at the body.

“H-he just went crazy!” Korbin hiccuped between sobs.

“I-I don’t even know what- what happened,” he cried.

“I tried to stop him.

I tried but he wouldn’t listen to me! He wouldn’t...

He just shot himself” he whimpered.

“He shot...

He shot himself.” It took several hours to calm Korbin down enough to make sense of what he was saying and even then, I could not make out the events of that day, unable to understand how Zane made Caine shoot himself without uttering a single word.

Caine is many things, but suicidal is not one of them.

He would have put up a fight before dying.

Something else must have taken place that day but I cannot get Korbin to tell me the truth.

“Dad...” Korbin whispers, his eyes glossy as he looks over at me.

“I’m scared.” now, so I swallow them back and put on a brave face.

“Alpha will want to know the exact details of that day,” I sigh tiredly, looking over at Caine.

“So what should I tell him?” Korbin whispers to himself.

My hands tighten their grip around the steering wheel as I try to think of a good answer to that.

Korbin can’t lie to save his life so it is best to come clean with what happened.

Lying to Sebastian is simply not an option.

“Tell me exactly what happened again,” I reply.

Korbin nods, his eye blinking fast as he clears his throat.

“W-we were on our way to River Moon like you told us, when we saw Zane and his mate driving in the opposite direction.

That’s when Caine went berserk and drew a gun from his pants.

I tried to stop him but he shot at them.

I think he hurt Zane’s mate.

I don’t know.

Everything just happened so fast and then Caine pulled over and started shooting at Zane again.

Zane shifted and just stared at Caine for a really long time.

That’s when Caine suddenly spun the cylinder of his gun and pointed it to his own head but he was crying, like he was begging Zane for mercy but Zane never said anything.

He just stood there, staring at him.

Caine even pissed himself, he was so scared.

He pulled the trigger many times until a bullet finally made its way through his skull.” “Zane turned to me and I panicked,” Korbin adds.

“I told him your message and he told me Alpha Sebastian would regret pushing him away-” “Wait, Zane actually spoke to you?” I ask, trying to remember the last time I ever heard Zane utter a single word.

“Well no,” Korbin shakes his head.

“He mind-linked me but...

it was weird.” mind-linked before.

I wasn’t even sure he could.

“How so?” “Well it was like...

it was like he was inside my head,” Korbin explains.

“Like he could hear and see everything I was thinking.

He gave me an order and I felt an urge to do as he said.

All he said was shut up and I couldn’t help but listen to him.

It was weird.” “Like an Alpha command?” “No,” Korbin shakes his head.

“No, my wolf wasn’t compelled to listen ...

[twas me.

I felt this urge, this need, this desire to do as he said.

It doesn't make any sense.” I grow impatient with my son and his cryptic storytelling as we pull up to the Scarlett Haven gates and snap at him.

“Listen very carefully, Kor, because I am only going to say this once,” I snarl through gritted teeth.

“You will be silent as I tell Sebastian what happened.

Do not even breathe while I talk, you understand?” Korbin nods his head and I proceed to explain my plan to him, Korbin muttering it to himself over and over again.


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