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The Silent Alpha novel Chapter 64


I stare angrily at Caine’s coffin as it is lowered into his grave.

Sebastian was unwilling to give Caine a proper Moon Warrior Ceremony because he didn’t die in battle and no matter how much I threatened him, he refused.

He was smart enough to coax my own dirty secrets out of me when we married so that he didn't ever have to be afraid of me revealing his.

As my anger burns and festers knowing my son is never coming home, a group of scouts return from a mission with urgent news, Sebastian taking off to his office while I am left to bury our son on my own.

Something inside me cracks as I watch my husband disrespect his own son on the night of his funeral and I decide to take matters into my own hands.

I turn to my brother, Richard, who also seems infuriated by Sebastian’s actions, opening up our mind-link to discuss my plan.

"What do you need, Sara?" He asks.

"Get me everything you can on Zane’s mate."

"This better be important enough for you to interrupt me as I bury my son," I snarl, leading Beta Earl and the scouts back to my office.

"Apologies Alpha, but the news we bring is urgent," the scout replies, a large manila envelope in his hand.

I open the door to my office, and take a seat at my desk, Beta Earl standing next to me while the three scouts exchange nervous looks amongst themselves.

"Spit it out now!" I snarl, barely restraining my anger.

The scout holding the manila envelope extracts two photographs from it, his voice trembling as he speaks.

"We set up the cameras at Ravenstone as requested and captured several images of the Ravenstone Luna leaving with Toran Ravenstone out of the pack a few days ago.Upon reviewing the footage, we made a discovery we think might be of interest to you..."

He places the photos one on top of the other on my desk and slides them over to me.

I stare at the first picture of a blonde woman wearing stylish dress trousers, a blouse and a blazer standing beside a car, Toran to her left and the Ravenstone Gamma on her right.

She has her hand outstretched towards the Gamma with a stone sitting in her palm.

I don’t recognize the blonde, but as I push it aside to reveal the second photo, the blood drains from my face.

Mate? Arden gasps when we see the unmistakable image of the Gamma is about to hand it to her.it can’t be! 


She’s dead.

She's dead...

I buried her...

I think to myself, while staring blankly at the picture.

In shock, I look closely at the picture and recognize the features of her face, tracing my fingers along her pointed chin and her thin nose.

After all these years, she’s still the same, still my beautiful Ellie, just with a few more wrinkles and graying hair on her head.

Beta Earl takes the images and examines them closely, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"It appears our former Luna, Elenore, is still alive, Alpha.Somehow, she survived the attack on Crescent Moon all those years ago.We extracted information from a Ravenstone pack guard and were only able to verify this information earlier today," the scout explains.

"Luna Elenore has been living as the Luna of the Ravenstone Pack for the past 20 years," the scout adds timidly, choosing his words very carefully.

"According to the guard, they got their hands on a Fae cloaking stone to hide Luna Elenore in plain sight.She goes by the name Rionna now."

He places the envelope on the table and slides it to me, my shock turning to pure rage when I pull out multiple photographs of the transformed Elenore kissing Toran and stepping into the car with him.

This can’t be...

I snarlto myself as I look at picture after picture of my mate smiling contently in Toran’s arms.

This can’t I feel myself on the brink of losing control and in my vulnerable state, Arden takes command of my body.

My breaths grow heavier as the weight of all my grief collapses on top of me and the anger in my heart breaks through the surface.

"Where is she?" I say with a low growl once I regain control of my feelings.

"Where is she now? "We can’t seem to locate her," the scout replies in a weak voice, his knees trembling slightly in fear.

"It seems Toran and his Luna-"

I walk around the desk at inhuman speed and wrap my fingers around the scout’s throat, squeezing tightly as I lift him off the ground until his face is bright red and the veins on his temples bulge out awkwardly.

He claws desperately at my arm, seeking to escape my wrath.

"She is MY Luna," I correct him through gritted teeth, the scout wheezing out a meek 

"Yes, Alpha." I let him fall to the ground, the scout coughing and gasping for air.

"Only the Beta and Gamma remain in Ravenstone to protect the pack," the scout continues.

"Their Alpha, heir, and ...Elenore ...have been gone for the past few days.We have increased surveillance for the time be-"

"Get a team ready,"

I interrupt, thinking of the gold hair brush tucked away safely in my desk drawer.

"We attack Ravenstone at dawn." heads and it infuriates me.

"Get moving!"

"But Alpha,"

Beta Earl interjects.

"She’s not even there right now.Would it not be best to wait until we can confirm Elenore’s location?"

"Are you Alpha?" I warn, Earl backing down and lowering his head in submission.

"No, sir.You are," Earl replies with a nervous gulp.

"Then I suggest you take your orders and gather a team," I snarl, Beta Earl nodding obediently.

"Now is the perfect time to attack.They won’t see it coming and by the time it’s over, there will be nothing left of that worthless pack.I'll make Toran pay for ever touching what is MINE!"


"Move everyone to the bunkers.Those in the infirmary, women and children are to be moved first.Have any healthy, strong men join the fight.Alert our allies now.I'll be there as soon as I can," I order my Beta over the phone.

As I hang up, Tylen comes running in, his face stone cold but nonetheless flushed as he glares at me .

"What do you want? I was in the middle of something," he snaps.within my son.


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