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The Silent Alpha novel Chapter 70


Agnes runs away as soon as Tylen and Zane leave, slamming the door to her room shut behind her with a loud bang before any of us can ask what just happened.

"Uh oh, mommy," Kota whispers.

"Egg-ness is sad.Why is she sad?"

"I don’t know, Kota," I murmur, kissing his forehead and inhaling the scent of his hair to calm my racing heart.

"I don’t know."

Rionna clears her throat, reminding me that we are not alone in the room and she smiles sheepishly when I look up at her.

"I should get going," she whispers quietly, holding a thick envelope in her hands.

"Goodnight." I hear the sob in her throat and hold out my hand to her.

"Are you alright?" I ask, Rionna struggling to hold her smile.

"I'm fine,"

She whispers, turning to hide her face.

Knowing she is trying to be strong and we currently only have each other to lean on, I gently rest my hand on her shoulder to offer her support.

"Are you alright?"

I repeat, the tears that she’s been holding back finally rolling down her cheeks, "Mommy, why is Nona sad?"

Kota asks, Rionna chuckling despite the tears clinging to her eyes.

"Kota, my love, can you go to my room and bring me a washcloth for Nona?" I ask, setting Kota down.

"They’re in the dresser."

He nods his head gingerly and stomps away, whispering "cloth for Nona" to himself.

I sit down on the sofa, patting the seat next to me for Rionna.She heaves a heavy sigh, her fingers fumbling with the envelope in her hands.

"Toran asked me for a divorce,"

Rionna whispers, my heart sinking to my stomach for her.

"He sent me the papers with Tylen- She pauses for a moment, her anger breaking through and she throws the envelope across the room, several pages spilling out.

"The coward didn’t even have the decency to say it to my face that he no longer loves me," Rionna whimpers into her hands.

"He lied to me about Zane and he’s involved him in this war and now this!"

She cries angrily, looking up from her hands.

"And you want to know the sick part?"

A weak smile spreads across her cheeks.

"I still love him."

The hurt in her voice is all too familiar to me and I give her hand a tight squeeze to let her know I’m here for her.

"I still loved Christian after I divorced him," I whisper as feelings for him."

"I was unaware you were divorced," Rionna sighs.

"Two very long years of marriage," I shrug.

"It seems like a distant memory now that I think about it.But my circumstances were different."

"How so?"

"My husband slept with my sister," I laugh bitterly.

"I was a few weeks pregnant when I found out."

"I'm sorry," Rionna says with a sad smile.

"Don’t be," I reply, giving her hand another squeeze.

"It was for the best.I didn’t realize how unhappy I was with him or how much I had given up of myself to be his wife until I walked away.Zane and Grayson changed everything.I’ve felt more love these past few weeks than I ever did in my two years with Christian.That’s why I want to marry him.Zane’s love is not empty.It’s gentle and patient.Our bond is not the only thing keeping us together."

"Toran and I have no bond between us but we have love...or so I thought," Rionna sighs.

"I could tell he was broken inside when I first woke up in the hospital room," she says with a soft smile.

"He was looking out the window watching Tylen practice his fighting stances out on the hospital lawn.I didn't know who he was but I knew he was as lost as I was...so I thought perhaps we could help each other find what we were looking for."

"Did you know what he did to you?" I ask, wondering how she 

"He never tried to hide it," Rionna responds.

"In fact, Toran brought it up every chance he got whenever he felt I was getting too close.He was very determined to push me away and never love again."

She stares down at the divorce papers littering the floor.

"I guess he got what he wanted."

Anger suddenly laces her voice again and she stands on her feet.

"I hate him!" she screams into her hands, but even I can see that is a lie.

"Why can’t I hate him?" she whimpers.

Kota returns with the washcloth and as he comes closer, I notice something else is tucked under his arm.

"Here you go, Mommy,"

Kota smiles, handing me the cloth for Rionna.

"Kota, what’s that under your arm?" I ask, my eyes widening in shock as I look closer.

"Look Mommy, I found a worm!" He says, showing me the large black dildo he tucked in his armpit.

"It has babies, Mommy.See?"

He asks, pointing to the ballsack at the end.

No f*****g way! —Is****m internally much to Devina’s amusement.

Rionna covers her mouth to hold back her laughter while I curse Celina for giving it to me in the first place.

"You’re too tense," she had said while we were at the mall with the girls.

"Here, I got you this," she added, handing me a gift box with the toy.

"Why don’t you go f**k yourself?" She chirped completely mortified as I reach for the dildo.

"Kota give me that!"

"But I want to play with it!"

Kota shouts, running away out of reach.

"Kota, give me that!"

I snap, Kota shaking his head and running into the hall.I chase after him, Devina howling with laughter.


Just as I’m about to catch him by the front door, a portal opens directly in front of me and I almost crash into the Queen and Evan.

"Hehehe mommy, I’ve got the worm!" Kota cries, shaking the dildo in his hand.

Queen Aurora’s cheeks flush bright red as she looks at the dildo, Evan’s face lighting up like a child at Christmas.

"Kota wasn’t kidding when he said you liked to play horsey in the desert," Evan snickers.

"You need a saddle to ride that thing!"

Aurora elbows him in the stomach, Evan groaning mid laugh.

Behind me, I hear Rionna’s footsteps approach us.

Dear Goddess help me, sigh, finally capturing Kota and taking the toy from him.

Even Moon Goddess can’t help you, Devina giggles.

Kota throws himself on the floor and curls up on the floor, crying angrily to himself.

The Queen clears her throat and I hide the dildo and my hands behind my back.be leaving in an hour or two."

"O-okay," I nod, wishing the earth would swallow me.

"As I said earlier, Rosalie and Carter are staying behind to watch over River Moon and Celina will be handling Kingdom affairs," she explains.

"I’ve tightened security around River Moon so you should be perfectly safe within the territory."


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