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The Silent Alpha novel Chapter 83


"S-Scarlett Haven dies with S-Sebastian White,"

I murmur, turning to look at my father’s corpse.

"My f-father never thought I-I could be y-your Alpha and none of y-you bestowed upon me an ounce of ki-kindness despite my i-innocence.As such, I-Il cannot trust y-you all will follow or re-respect me as y-your Alpha and I-I refuse to lead y-you," I say, shaking my head at the Scarlett wolves.

"I-I will renounce the alliance with Crescent Mane and will f-formally hand y-you over to Onyx Stone.They will decide y-your fate."

There are murmurs amongst the crowd of Scarlett wolves but they all seem to fade away when I again feel a pain in my chest.


Grayson whines.She needs us.

As I turn to leave, however, the Ravenstone wolves begin to ask their own questions.

"Alpha, what would you like ustodonow ?" Tylen asks, his eyes glaring at the Scarlett Wolves.

"Do we take them as prisoners? Do we take their weapons and detain them?" I look around at all the faces now turning to me for guidance and I desperately try to sort out my thoughts and my worry for Talia.

"know it’s overwhelming, but just take it one step ata time," Toran mind-links me.

"Look around you.What is the most pressing matter at the moment? What needs to be done first?"

Taking his advice, I scan the area and find the first few issues.

"I need volunteers to collect the bodies of our fallen soldiers.They deserve to be put to rest with the utmost respect for their sacrifice.Someone should also search for General Taryn’s body in the water.I'd like to give her a proper burial," I add quietly, noticing Toran shield his face from the prying eyes of his pack for a moment."We will hold a Moon Ceremony sometime this week for everyone.

Three young men immediately step forward.

"We volunteer to find the general " one of them says, the young wolf bowing his head in respect to Toran.

"Thank you ," I reply.

"Someone, please check on the bunkers and make sure everyone is accounted for.I'll also need a few of you to survey the island's and create a full report on the damages we endured and what repairs need to take place immediately.As for the Scarlett wolves, take their weapons, gather them all together and take them to receive medical treatment -"

There are a number of disgruntled growls in the crowd but Grayson puts his foot down and glares at them for their disobedience until the wolves fall silent.

"The war is over and we are not Scarlett Haven _," I snap, the wolves lowering their gaze in shame.

"We will treat these wolves with respect because we are Ravenstone and we are not cowards who harm those who are already down.They are to receive medical treatment, food, and will be left unbothered while I arrange a meeting with their King.Whatever grudges you hold against them, bury them now.Am I clear?"

"Yes, Alpha," they reply in unison, though I can tell not all are not pleased with my decision.

"Good, let’s get to work then ;’ Lreply, the wolves dispersing to complete their tasks.I stay a while to oversee their work and give orders whenever necessary.At first, it's awkward, but I quickly find a rhythm as a leader and grow comfortable handing out tasks.

"I have a few contacts with neutral packs that can arrange a meeting with King Arthur and Alpha Richard for the transfer of power," Toran offers.

"We can have this settled as early as tomorrow morning and get you home to your mate in time for her first shift."

"Thank you," I sign, Toran puffing out his chest with pride.

"My pleasure," he says via mind-link.

"You're doing well, by the way.Keep it up and you might just build your own mother pack in no time." I shake my head at him, the fear of Talia’s reaction to my new title filling my thoughts.

"You fear your mate may be angry with you for accepting my title,"

Toran observes, leading me towards the pack house.

"T-Talia has already been Luna and she w-was unhappy in h-her role," I say quietly.

"And you believe she will be unhappy by your side?" Toran asks and I nod silently.

He takes a deep breath and we walk in silence for a moment.

"Being a female leader in a male-dominated society is a challenge many fail to see," he finally says.

"Their voices are often drowned out by Alphas who talk over each other to see who is loudest.They are easily overlooked and often degraded simply because they are women and men know what’s best for their pack," he sighs.

"But failing to acknowledge a Luna’s power and importance more often than not leads to the downfall of a pack.I assume Talia’s experience as a Luna was soured by the lack of respect her Alpha had for her?" He asks and I nod.

"Then never forget to respect her.Listen to her opinions, take her advice when needed, give her a voice because the world will be hell bent on silencing hers.Make her your equal and you will always have a Luna willing to stand by your side.

"Rionna and I were a partnership.I never moved a finger without first consulting her and she reciprocated that trust.When there is mutual respect and shared responsibility, your pack grows stronger.Respect Talia and she will be proud to be your Luna."

"Perhaps you should take your own advice," Grayson says, taking over momentarily.

Toran raises an eyebrow in confusion at me.

"Aren’t you the man who handed his wife divorce papers based on an assumption?"

A sheepish smile spreads across Toran’s face and he looks ahead as we approach the pack house.

"I guess I am," Toran chuckles.

"So perhaps you should listen to your wife before you make decisions for her," Grayson says smugly.

"Maybe then you’d realize she’s more willing to forgive than you think.Toran doesn’t reply but I can see the cogs turning in his head as he rethinks his divorce.As we arrive at the meeting room, a soldier runs in with our clothes and hands me my phone.

"Your phone has been ringing nonstop, sir," he says before running off to finish his other duties.

There are over twenty missed calls and at least thirty text messages from Talia.I hurriedly call her back and at the first ring, she picks up, a sob immediately escaping her throat.

"Zane?" She whimpers.

"Zane, are you alright? Are you hurt?"

"l-It’s okay, I-I’m fine," I reply, hearing a small sigh of relief from her.

"Wh-what’s wrong? Are y-you and K-Kota okay?"

"No, I’m not! Christian took Kota!" Talia cries, my breath hitching as my world suddenly goes very still.

"Wh-what?" I stammer, unsure if I heard her correctly.

Hearing the concern in my voice, Toran stops changing to listen.

"We were at the mall and he was playing at the play center.It was only a second and he took him!" Talia sobs.

"He took our baby!" she cries angrily.

"I can’t breathe, Zane, he took my baby! He took my baby and he hurt him!"

A terrifying snarl ripples through my chest when her last words register in my ears.He dared touch my son? Grayson roars, his fur bristling as he trembles with rage.

"W-what did he do?" I ask through gritted teeth, desperately fighting to contain the hatred coursing through my veins while combating the urge to strangle someone.

"There’s no time for that," Talia says.

"I’m on my way now-"

"Y-you’re what?"

"I’m in Maine already," she explains.

"Celina teleported me here and I am on my way to Silver Crest now to get our son back."

"Ta-talia, no," I say, shaking my head despite her being unable to see me.

"I-it’s too dangerous to go there on y-your own.Wh-what if it’s a trap and he h-hurts y-you."

"I’m not alone," Talia retorts.

"Rionna and Jordan are with me-"

"Y-you took my mother with y-you?" I snap, Toran equally upset that his wife has been put in danger.

"You went to war," Talia snaps, a bit of resentment in her voice.

"You don’t get to pull the danger card on me.I didn’t know what else to do and I couldn’t sit around waiting for you to answer your phone! Kota is scared and alone with aman who’s completely lost his mind.I’m not going to sit here and wait for Christian to hurt him again."

"Ta-Talia, p-please just wait a few hours," I say back, hoping there’s a chance she may rethink this.

"I-I’ll be on the first plane to Maine and go with y-you.P-please, just stay put."

"I promise I’ll be careful," Talia replies.

"But Kota needs me now.I’m not waiting for you.Please understand."


"l love you, Zane," she murmurs, hanging up the phone.

I ring her back, but Talia doesn’t answer, my distress soaring as I think of what that man will do to her when she inevitably breaks his delusion and he sees that she now belongs to me.

"I-I need to get on the f-first f-flight to Maine," I say, Toran sensing the urgency.

"l get the jet ready for us."


 Kota wakes up by the time I finish signing the paperwork and he helps me clean up the mess in the kitchen.

We make bubbles in the sink and have a dance party after finishing each chore to keep the cleaning fun.

In the bedroom, we play Simon Says and have a pillow fight where I let Kota defeat me in battle.The little boy asks to build a fort and we gather our supplies from the bedroom to construct it in the living room.

As we drape the blankets over our framework, the door knob jingles.My heart rate soars as Jack steps into the house, a scowl on his face when he sees our mess.


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