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The Silent Alpha novel Chapter 87


The forest comes alive with shadows dancing between the trees as I rush through, the sounds of howling wolves echoing all around me.

I can do this…I can do this… I repeat to myself as I put weight on my injured foot.

It doesn’t hurt as much, but I can’t tell if it's the adrenaline or my wolf healing it.

Both, the little voice whispers.

I stop dead in my tracks when I feel a presence nearby and listen to the rustling of the trees Danger...my wolf murmurs.

Duck! I don’t question her and drop to my knees, a large wolf pouncing over me and narrowly missing me.I scramble to my feet and face my attacker, recognizing the wolf as he shifts into his human.

"Brody..." I gasp, stumbling back against a tree.

"Luna," he snickers.

"Or should [still call you that?" he scoffs, looking behind me.

"Where are your friends? I woke up all alone."

"You must be used to that by now," I mutter, Brody’s smirk morphing into a snarl.

He doesn’t seem to notice my own shadow shifting into sharpened tendrils but a group of wolves emerge from the trees behind him, and I stop moving them to get a better sense of what I am dealing with.

"You know, I was going to go easy on you as a courtesy for being Luna all these years...but now?" he shrugs.

"I think I’ll have some fun.Let’s see My wolf growls with disgust as the men circle me and I feel her anger coursing through my veins.No more games, she snarls.Our sister needs us! Pain suddenly radiates from my temples, slowly spreading across my face and down my neck.The agonizing tingle shivers down my spine and I collapse on my hands and knees, my back arching as I let out a painful howl.My skin burns and itches as tufts of soft brown fur sprout across my body and my fingertips sting as claws and paws take the place of my hands.I shake with fear as I hear the cracking and shifting of my bones and once again howl in agony.

"She’s shifting!"

Brody shouts, rushing at me.

At the sign of danger, my wolf takes over completely, and I feel myself drift back as she pounces on Brody.Her paws pin him to the ground and she buries her canines into his throat.

Before the other wolves can strike, my shadow tendrils take form and attack, the wolves howling in shock as wounds appear on their bodies.

One by one, they all fall at the hands of the shadows, leaving my lone wolf standing in the wake of their destruction.I stare down at my furry body, in awe of my new form.

Do you like what you see? My wolf giggles sheepishly.

I am sorry! I'm a little small.I am a runt- You're perfect, I whisper, climbing off of Brody’s corpse, the feeling of walking on all fours both strange and exciting.

I can’t believe it! I'ma wolff F-thank you, my wolf says timidly, her giddiness and relief contagious.My name is Paloma, my wolf adds quietly, shaking the blood from her fur.It's so nice to finally meet you.

over me.

I have to help Natalia.

Then there’s no time waste, Paloma murmurs, taking off in the direction of the pack house.

Let’s go.

***Jack*** ..

A few moments earlier...

"Have you acquired the pup!? " I snarl at my patrol men.

"No sir," a patrol wolf replies.

"But it seems you were right to suspect Jordan was working with Vanessa, Alpha, "*headds."We just finished scanning the tunnels and have found the bodies of the soldiers and the Gamma.It looks like Jordan fought them off and let Vanessa escape with the kid.

The patrols are combing the territory and the tunnel exit as we speak."

"Well, find them now!" I growl back.

"My Luna is anxious to have her pup back and will not marry me without him here.Use every available soldier if you have to but find me my son and bring him home!"

"Yes, Alpha," the wolf replies, cutting off our connection.

Your plan is falling apart, Christian snickers, rattling his cage.

Letme out and I'll help you.

Funny man, I laugh.

But I knew that bastard Jordan was plotting against me and I have every man searching for the pup.

ll have Dakota soon enough and then I'll finally have my mate and my pup together again.

You think Kota won't tell Natalia what you did to him? Christian That's why! am blaming you, I laugh, Christian falling silent.

Natalia still hates you.I can sense it and I'll use that to my advantage.

You so graciously gave the kid your name, not mine.

Mil just say you lost control and hit him and before you could take it too far, I stepped in and protected the boy from you.I'll be a hero in my Tiny’s eyes and she'll love me even more for keeping you locked away.She'll see right through your lies, Christian shakes his head.

I don’t think so- The notification bell on my phone dings and I look down to see an email from the LAB waiting for me.I open it up, my eyes scanning the document to see that my Tiny is in perfect health.My heart beats faster, however, when I reach the bottom of the document.

Reference Range: Non-Pregnant: NEGATIVE Pregnant: POSITIVE Pregnant? I snarl as I read the lab notes.

Alpha, Luna Natalia is pregnant and in good health.

She is very early in her pregnancy and cannot be more than 3 weeks along.You can discuss your options with Dr.Lila.

If you have any questions regarding the results, we are more than happy to explain them to you.

Immediately call Dr.Lila but her phone sends me right to voicemail and she doesn't answer her mind-link.

Seeing red, I storm out of my office and down the hall to my bedroom where I find Natalia getting help zipping up her dress.

"W-what?" she whispers, her face paling.

"I’m what?"

"Pregnant!" I spit through gritted teeth, infuriated that I have to repeat those wicked words.

She looks down at her flat stomach and places her hand against her belly.

"But I can’t ..." she whimpers in utter shock.

"I thought I was -"

Tears spring to her eyes and I feel a pain in my heart to see her in so much distress. She didn’t know...

I mutter, feeling guilty at having accused her of lying to me.

Of course she wouldn’t lie to me...

"Natalia, my love," I whisper, closing the space between us.

"W-we can fix this, okay? We can fix this!" I murmur as I cup her cheeks in my hands.

She trembles with disgust at herself and I wipe her tears away with my thumbs.

"We'll get rid of it," I tell her, her eyes widening with shock.

"I'll rip out the little mongrel inside you and I'll hunt down that Alpha for ever touching you.

I promise, ’ll fix you."

"Get rid of it?"

She whimpers and I nod at her.

"It'll be like it never existed,"

I reply in a gentle voice as I kiss her cheeks.

"I'll fix it.I’ll fix you."

"But Christian, it’s my baby," she whines, shaking her head at me in protest.

"I can’t kill my own baby.I can’t-"

"Yes, yes you can,"

I murmur, smoothing down her hair and kissing her forehead.

"I killed my mother for you,"

I whisper, pulling her into a hug as I try to comfort her.

"You can kill your baby."


 I bury my head in Jack's chest as a cold chill runs down my spine.

Luna Kay...but I thought...thought he said she ran away? I think to myself.


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