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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 2178

Fane raised his brows and suddenly felt like he had been subjected to an experiment like a lab rat. The 20 people chosen were quite strong, and they were not chosen disciples, so they could be chosen as the guinea pigs for this experiment. The remaining seven chosen disciples might enter the Secret Place for Resources sooner or later. However, these people might enter the secret place after they had left the place.

At this moment, Fane suddenly remembered Griffin, who came to Fane because of the quota. He wanted Fane to give up entering the Secret Place for Resources and gave the spot to his younger brother.

Fane suddenly asked, "Is Griffin's brother in seventh place among the formal disciples?"

Elder Godfrey chuckled and nodded. "You’re quite sharp. Griffin's brother, Howard Olsen, is in seventh place among the formal disciples. Without you, there will be seven quotas for the formal disciples to enter the Secret Place for Resources. However, since you became my last disciples, I'd fight for a position for you. After all, you're an elder disciple now, and all the other elders fought for a spot for their disciples. Since you obtained a position, the number of formal disciples would be one less."

Fane nodded. He finally understood what was


Elder Godfrey chuckled and added, "Every formal elder will send one of their elder disciples into the Secret Place for Resources. I'm sure you know that the formal elders have more than one elder disciple.

However, I only recruited you, so I can only send you."


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