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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 4141

That did nothing to console Lourain at all. He looked at Fane with some worry. Those people did not know it, but Fane was very against wasting time. No one knew what those shameless and despicable people were doing. They needed to move quickly. Otherwise, there was a very good chance that their trap would succeed.

"Shut up! Stop with all your nonsense! Every time someone is transferred to the Radiant Hall, the participants would all be sent to different places. Even if all your fellow disciples die, it has nothing to do with us. Stop trying to slander us!" Farrow shouted.

Ronan scoffed, "Farrow, do you think your eldest disciple will even recognize you if you protect him? Everyone knows what those people have done! We thought that they would stop after entering the Radiant Hall, but they've just gotten worse. For the sake of their own selfish gains, there's no line they won't cross. So many people have died to your eldest disciple!"

Farrow's eyes were completely wide. He had been thoroughly angered by Ronan's words. He could accept being insulted himself, but he would never tolerate any insults on his eldest disciple!

"Ronan! You'd better watch your words! I'll cut your tongue off!"

Ronan did not seem to mind as he laughed, "If your eldest disciple said that, I'd be afraid! If it's you? Please!"

Ronan had a look of disdain on his face.

Farrow was absolutely furious, "Bring out the proof, then! It's easy to say whatever you want, but show me the proof! If you say that my eldest disciple has killed a lot of people, then prove it to me! Don't just try and slander anyone you want to!"


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