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The Son-In-Law Shot to Fame (Donald and Jennifer) novel Chapter 535

He even wanted to give Armando an explanation on imitation cars, but he had barely lifted his head when someone shoved it back down.

“Imitation car?”

With a mighty swing of the hammer, Armando smashed the window of the driver's seat to pieces and had his men shove Kevin inside.

“Just this once. I'll make an exception and let you have a look inside, so make sure to get an eyeful and tell me if it's an imitation!”

Being a car enthusiast, Kevin had gotten so excited when he smashed the car earlier that he did not notice if the car's exterior was authentic.

It was not until he felt how soft and comfortable the seat was that the realization dawned on him.

T-This car is the real deal! It's not an imitation! This is impossible! How could Donald possibly afford a fancy car like this?

Kevin swallowing nervously with his face pale was all Armando needed to know what he was thinking about. “Take this guy to our security room and teach him a lesson. After that, I want you boys to find out who this car belongs to and have him come to the security room,” Armando said while patting the supercar.

He then swaggered off while two of his security guards hauled Kevin out of the car and dragged him toward the security room.

“Hey! Let go! You can't do this to me! Braxton is my brother-in-law!” Kevin screamed at the top of his lungs, but his cries fell on deaf ears.

Meanwhile, Linda was getting her measurements taken by the staff at the Supreme Gala's dressing area.


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