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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 126



There is a perverse pleasure in hiding on a shifters land so you can watch them, it’s like playing a game of see me if you can. They won’t though, I’m too good at what I do and armed with a hunting spray to hide my scent from my prey they can’t even smell me

We have been watching The Swiftmane Pack for just over six years now, it’s not always me but I do volunteer for the job whenever opportunity arises. As soon as the second pup was born we made our move, you see an Alpha and Luna having one pup; that’s just carrying on the shifter line. Two pups is a gateway to overpopulation. There is a reason most shifters don’t have siblings and it’s normally because we interfere and remove the parents from play. Occasionally we will come across the odd parents who will just hand over the pup and not have anymore but those parents are few and far between. We only really bother with the big ticket shifters though, the Alpha and Luna’s. They set a precedent for the rest of the Pack, if they see the Luna popping pups out then they think they can too and before you know it the human species stops being the dominant species on the planet

We started to watch Fraction and Anna soon after she was brought back from her brother’s pathetic attempts at containment. He could have killed the Luna and our job would have been done but instead he took the Alpha too which led to John being dead and buried. The only reason we became aware of them was because of their Pack size, for some reason shifters seem to flock to this Pack above all others. The only other Pack that rivals this one is Darryl’s, we leave him alone. because he has no Luna and is known to be the head Alpha of America. He’s basically a King without the title, it makes sense for his Pack to be bigger than all the others. My bosses were concerned 


Fraction was building an Army but that seems to have been unproven so far, they seem like a normal couple and we were ready to leave them be until Aurora was born

We got a tip about the female pup possibly being an Omega and the only thing my organisation hates more than shifter breeding is Omegas. They are dangerous, given half a chance they will spread their sickly sweet lies to any shifter they meet. So the stories go, if enough shifters. follow an Omega they become more powerful than any other shifter. They have the power to control the emotions of those around them and some are even rumored to be able to dream walk

We haven’t been able to determine the pups designation which is the only reason we haven’t made our move yet. It’s also why I am in the middle of a forest on Halloween listening to what I can only assume is a damn orgy. The two warriors left and started going at it in one tent and Fraction and Anna went into another. The Beta, James, was left alone next to the little campfire, how he can just sit there listening to people fuck is beyond me, it’s not like they are being quiet about it either. It sounds like the two males are having a damn contest of who can make their female scream the loudest. After a while it goes silent and I almost pack it in for the night but I spot a sandy brown woll walking behind their little camp so I decide to wait and see what happens. People say the most interesting things when they think they are alone

I watch James take an airpod out of his ear and look around, he must have sensed someone nearby because there is no way he heard anything with those things in. Him being able to sit there while his Pack fucked around him makes a little more sense now. 

Who’s there?James asks, standing up and turning his back to me, I watch the sandy brown wolf change into a six foot something fully n*ked man

It’s just me, don’t attack.James must know who he is because I watch 


his shoulders relax as the man comes closer

What are you doing out here? It’s whatJames looks at his wrist, Jesus, three am. You often go running in the trees at three am?” 

Only when I know there is a Beta not watching his back,the man smiles at James as he gestures to a pile of clothes. Can I get some shorts?James hands the unknown man a pair of shorts quickly and waits while he covers his nudity

What’s wrong Bellamy?James asks Bellamy as the man sits down next to the dying fire, he picks up a stick and pokes at it

I thought you might want some company, can’t be fun being out here with two warriors, an Alpha and an Omega.Bellamy smiles up at James and nods to the floor, James just crosses his arms over his chest and looks down at him. Figured you would want some company instead of being a fifth wheel.” 

Don’t need company,James grunts

I heard you were leaving to visit other Packs, that true?James just nods his head, you’re going looking for another mate?” 

I don’t have a mate,Bellamy laughs as James grunts this

We both know that’s not true, how long are you going to avoid what we have?I feel my eyes widen as I realise what’s going on, it’s not everyday you hear of gay shifters. Sure it’s common and even normal in the human world but shifters are different and normally exclusively heteroS**ual


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