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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 31

That’s Luna to you


I wake up with the sun shining in my eyes, I have a delicious soreness between my legs reminding me of what we did last night. After mating each other we dosed and I woke up to Fractions mouth on me, this led to round two. By the time the sun was rising we had hit round four and I lost count of how many orgasms the man had given me

Little wolf, come have a bath with me. I can hear Fraction, calling to me from the bathroom. Little splashes of water follow his voice. I slowly climb out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. Fraction looks amazing surrounded by a mass amount of bubbles. His beard and hair are wet, there are little drops of water dripping from his hair and rolling down his chiselled tattooed chest. I smirk at him and climb into the tub placing myself with my back to his chest and my butt between his legs

Using a sponge he gathers up some water and spills it down my chest. I gasp at the warmth, how long have you been awake?I ask leaning back

Long enough to run a bath,he starts running his hand between my legs, sore little wolf?” 

A little.I say with a slight flinch

Let’s go eat ” 

With that we both get out of the tub, dry and dress for the day. We head to the kitchen when we hear the shouting, it sounds like someone is screaming at Momma Beth



That’s Luna

How about you just step aside and let me go see my man,a shrill voice shouts, I know that voice

You have been told by the Alpha and Beta you are not welcome here.Momma Beth is giving back as good as she gets. We turn into the kitchen and see Sarah, in all her flawless redheaded glory, standing in a shout off with Momma Beth

Sarah, what are you doing here?Both women turn to look at us. Momma Beth lets off a squeal of delight and comes to hug me while Sarah starts screeching even louder

You marked her?! How could you do that? How could you do this to me?I’ve got to hand it to her. She sounds like she’s truly upset. Fraction pinches his nose between his eyes and lets out a sigh

Yes, I marked my mate. Now what are you doing here? I thought you left to go be with Jeb?” 

He rejected me! He didn’t want an Alphas cast offs and he sent me back here! I come here and find you in bed with this child!I feel my eyes widen

Excuse me but I’m not a child, I’m Fraction’s mate.I say while holding Fractions hand

Puuuuurlease,she drags the word out, I can give him about a hundred things you can’t, little girl.A loud growl follows her 


That’s Luna to you!Fraction is mad, I can feel Leo growling, it’s sending vibrations through his whole b*dy. Now I suggest you leave the packhouse before I banish you from the pack completely.I watch as Sarah flinches at this. If she was rejected by her mate and then banished from here that’s two packs she can’t go to and many of the others won’t take her on that fact alone. She quickly kneels and bows



That’s Luna to you 

her head, I’m sorry Alpha. Please forgive me.She’s pleading for her space in the pack. Fraction looks at me, he’s silently asking if I can live with this wolf around

Sarah, please stand.She bolts straight up and looks shocked it’s me addressing her and not Fraction. Fraction stands slightly back and allows me to stake my claim as Luna. You will do as Fraction says. and not come back to the packhouse until you are summoned. I am the Alpha’s true mate and I will not allow any further disrespect,I don’t know where the words are coming from, it’s like they are falling out of me. I am sorry your mate rejected you, your pack will not reject you too.” 

Thank you Luna.She offers a slight bow and leaves through the back door

Wow! Anna, where did that come from?Momma Beth sounds. shocked. I turn to look at her

I have no idea.Fraction walks over and k*sses my head

I think Winter had something to do with it. Your eyes were yellow the whole time.I turn to face Fraction reaching up to feel my eyes

They were?He nods and leads me to the kitchen table where I am just noticing bacon sandwiches are awaiting us

Fraction and his mother are chatting about the Luna Ceremony, this will officially announce me as Luna to the pack and our allies. I block them out as I try to come to terms with Winter speaking through me. She has never done that before, if it wasn’t for Fraction I wouldn’t even realise that is what happened. I didn’t feel her take over, it didn’t feel like I was shoved to the back, it was almost like we were one person

Winter?I say to my wolf

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I’m here Anna‘ 

Why did you say those things to Sarah?I ask

She had to be told. We are Luna and she needs to understand that. You did not have the words so I supplied them.Winter says as if it explains why she just took over me

Could you maybe give me a heads up next time?I ask her

If you wish.Her tone is bored as if she doesn’t see why she has to consult me

Winter have anything interesting to say, little wolf?Fraction interrupts our conversation

Just coming to an understanding.I take a deep drink of my orange juice. Can we talk about the females and when we are going to get them? And what about Max?” 

Slow down,Fraction takes our dishes to the skin and comes to sit down, I realise Momma Beth is gone. Max is coming to the Moon Gathering with us. I will challenge him in front of the Elders. We are going to get some of the other packs to help us and we are going to go. and get the females after the Moon Gathering.” 

Can’t we go before?I hate that I am happy here and they are stuck 


We need more numbers, most if not all of the females are from packs. so I’m betting a lot of them will help us.” 

I understand I just wish we could go now, I’m worried for them. Eliza and Eve mostly but all of them too.Fraction grabs my hand

We will get them Anna. All of them.I believe him



When do we leave for the Moon Gathering?” 


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