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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 34

No one is coming


I watched as John tormented Fraction with the knowledge of who my mother was and my supposed purpose in life. Fraction has called out to me a few times over the mind link, but I can’t seem to stop crying for the young woman I didn’t know. No pup should have to go, what he said my mother did, pups having pups is just wrong


I hear someone coming down the stairs and the clanking of chains, I turn just in time to see a random rogue dragging Fraction up the stairs. I don’t know where they are taking him but nothing good ever happens up those stairs. I turn to Eliza, maybe if I get her talking, I can stop wondering what is happening to Fraction.. 

Eliza, where’s Eve?It’s the only thing I can think to ask

She’s with them now. John scented her and claimed her as his. She joins in tormenting the women now,I can’t help my gasp

Why, why would she do that, surely she didn’t want to mate with him?” 

Oh, she did. The second she scented him it was like a spell came over her, she was a totally different person.Sounds of flesh on flesh are coming from above us and someone is shouting out in pain. That’s not a female cry, it’s too gruff to be female. I cover my ears with my hands

I can’t listen to them torture him.I tell Eliza

There’s no way out, I’ve tried so many times now.She sounds so defeated



I can’t help but listen as the sounds of the torture they are inflicting on Fraction gets louder and louder. After what feels like years the door at the top of the stairs finally opens and John drags an unconscious. Fraction down behind him. Once he has secured Fraction back on the chains dangling from the ceiling he leaves. He didn’t speak one word to us or even glance in our direction

Fraction?I say over the mind link

I’m here little wolf.’ His voice is low and barely there

How badly are you hurt? I can’t see you properly. I’m openly crying 


I’m fine little wolf, don’t worry about me.He’s lying. I know he is, but I don’t call him out on it


My wholeb*dy hurts, I can feel that my ribs are broken in more than one spot. They worked me over good. They didn’t ask me anything. they just tied me to a chair and wailed on me with metal pipes and baseball bats. I feel like I’m bleeding from more than one spot, I can feel it running down my b*dy and collecting at my feet

When Anna asked, I had to lie to her, if she knew I was this hurt it would break her. Being back here and learning about her mother ist already too much for her. She will see it the next time someone opens the door but for now she doesn’t have to know. I keep sending out messages to James and Rick, mindlinking only works within a few miles so I’m just trying to see if they are here. I need to get Anna out of here before they hurt her. No one is close yet, but they will be coming. My pack will come




No one in coming 

I’ve lost track of time since Fraction got brought back down, I hear the door above me being opened and I see Fraction for the first time. I can’t. help my cry of horror, his torso is one giant bruise, he has various cuts up and down his b*dy like someone took the time to carefully slice into him. His elbow looks like it’s been dislocated, and I think I can see one of his ribs sticking out of his side. They must be using wolfsbane if Leo hasn’t healed him yet. John walks over to my cage and kneels down; like my handy work?” 

I spit at him, you are a monster!he laughs as he unlocks the cage and drags me out by my hair. I’m screaming and clawing trying to get him off me

Leave her alone.I hear Fraction roar, the sounds of him fighting against the chains follows as John drags me up the stairs

I am dropped on a bed and left in the room without a word being said to me. The room is nothing special, there is a single bed and a bedside. table and that’s it. After a while the door opens, John is followed in by Eve. Eve looks so different; her hair is styled, and she has so much 

makeup on I can barely see what she looks like underneath it. She’s makeup on I can barely see what s wearing a lace bra and a denim mini skirt

Eve?I’m met with a sharp slap across the face. I’m seeing stars when a second one lands

You don’t talk to her, she’s just here to help me.With that Eve moves to the top of the bed and pins my arms in place, John secures my ankles in place with straps he pulls from the bottom of the bed. I start to panic as he unbuckles his belt and drops his jeans

John, please don’t do this.I beg him

Oh, I’m doing this. I’ve waited years for this. This is mine and always has been.He’s started to play with himself, I can see his cock getting bigger. Thankfully he has nothing on Fraction in the size department.



still don’t want it anywhere near me though

He climbs onto the bed between my legs and starts moving his cock head through my folds, I’m dry so I can feel every tug and pull his cock makes I shiver and I can feel my stomach threaten to rebel against me, Picase John, please don’t do this.I scream as he slams into me, I feel every dry inch enter me

So fucking tight.he breathes out, he doesn’t give me chance to adjust. he immediately starts thrusting in and out of me. Eve’s hands have gotten tighter. I can barely feel my fingers, I can feel both of their breaths on my face. John is speeding up his thrusts, there is no pattern. to his movements. He moves one of his hands to my throat and starts to squeeze as his thrusts become erratic. My ears are ringing and I’m only just realising it’s because I haven’t stopped screaming since he entered. me. Even with his hand on my throat I can feel the scream trying to come out. After what feels like an age. I feel him spill into me. He roars his release like some kind of warrior winning a battle. I can feel my tears soaking the bed beneath me

When he pulls out of me, he looks at Eve, Have a go, Angel.Eve lets go of my hands and moves between my legs. I feel her tongue snake out and start to clean John from me. I’m sobbing uncontrollably now. She was my friend once and now she’s just helped my brother violate me in the worst way I can possibly imagine


Leave her alone,I thrash against the chains ignoring the paint radiating through my b*dy. Bring her back!I demand to the dark basement. John came in and dragged Anna out of her cage by her hair. He didn’t stop when I demanded he bring her back, he just kept going


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