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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 117

Chapter 117 

“Fuck! What are you trying to do? Are you trying to dirty the door of this shop?” 

Upon hearing this roar, the man holding the bucket of dirty water was instantly shocked. 

Then, with a bang, the bucket in his hand fell to the ground. 

The dirty water inside splashed out, drenching him. 

At this moment, seven or eight men in black appeared in front of him and surrounded him. 

The people who appeared now were no longer the previous hooligans on this street. 

Instead, it was the peripheral personnel from the Blade Alliance brought over by Chad later. 

This group of people was completely incomparable to those hooligans! 

The man who was about to vandalize Gavin’s door began to tremble violently. His face turned pale. 

He shook his hands and head crazily as he shouted, “I didn’t! I just wanted to get rid of the dirty water. I didn’t intend to splash it on their door!” 

However, how could the seven or eight people in front of him believe what he said? 

Those seven or eight people looked at the man fiercely. 

They even rolled up their sleeves and prepared to attack him. 

However, at this moment, one of them looked through the glass door where Gavin was. 

Seeing that the people inside the shop were looking over curiously, the person immediately whispered, “Let’s drag this bastard to the back. Don’t dirty the steps of this place!” 

“Good idea! Okay!” 

They agreed in unison and carried the man towards a certain direction. 

“Ah! What are you doing?” 

The man’s terrified scream was heard immediately. 

“Let me go! 

“No! I know I was wrong. I won’t do it again!” 

However, no matter what the person shouted, how could the people from Blade Alliance let him off so easily? 

His roars even carried anxious sobs as he looked at the people watching the commotion in the surrounding shops. 

He even saw those women who had criticized Gavin with him earlier. 

He shouted, “Save me! Save me! We’re on the same side!” 

Save him? 

He must be joking. 

They had previously come together to criticize Gavin and out of fear for the Blade Alliance. 

But did that mean that they would care about the man now? 

Even if they were on the same side before, why would these people care about him when disaster strikes? 

All of them could not wait to gloat about it! 

Gavin, who was standing in the front room, looked at the scene outside. Hearing the man’s shouts, an exasperated look appeared on his face. 

He had indeed previously told Chad about this because he was worried that in the future, this shop would be ostracized by the surrounding shops and the others would secretly cause trouble for them. 

He did not expect it to happen so quickly. 

Of course, after this had happened, the surrounding shops would also stay away from their shop. 

However, it also would mean that a lot of unnecessary trouble would not happen. 

Besides, Gavin did not plan to stay here permanently. 

How could the Clifford family’s resurgence be limited to such a small shopfront? 

Therefore, Gavin did not stop them. 

It wasn’t just Gavin. Even Kris and the other two women acted as if they didn’t see them at all. 

They did not care where the group of men in black came from. 

They were only unsympathetic towards the man who had come. 

Humans had to be responsible for their actions and had to be held accountable! 

On the other side, Layla continued to talk excitedly about the plans for the shop. She had come up with plenty of ideas. 

Gavin could tell that Layla was happy from the bottom of her heart. 

This was good for both Layla and Gavin. It was also good for Gavin’s plan for the Clifford family to rise again. 

Not long after, Gavin walked out of the front door with the three women. 

Gavin initially wanted to have a meal with the three women at a restaurant outside. 

However, Layla’s mind seemed to be completely focused on the company’s future plans. 

Therefore, Gavin brought Layla and the others back to their rented 


As soon as she returned to the apartment, Layla went straight into the bedroom. She took her phone and computer and opened up all kinds of business software. 

She was very focused on completing her proposal. 

An exasperated smile appeared on Gavin’s face when he saw her like this. Just as Gavin was about to remind Layla to rest, his phone rang. 

Gavin raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw the caller ID. 

It was a call from a member of Frostpeak Dark Warriors Team D. Under normal circumstances, Frostpeak Dark Warriors would not take the initiative to contact him unless something happened. 

Therefore, Gavin took his communication device to the balcony and answered the call. The voice of the Frostpeak Dark Warrior immediately came through the phone. 

“Reporting to Dark Lord, Blade Alliance’s Chad Tate contacted me and said that he has something to say to Dark Lord personally.” 


Gavin paused slightly. 

‘Chad? Didn’t I just meet Chad? Did the kid discover something new?’ he wondered. 

Of course, Gavin also remembered that he had arranged for Frostpeak Dark Warriors to be Chad’s contact person. 

Gavin also said, “You can give him my number.” 

As soon as Gavin finished speaking, his subordinate from Frostpeak Dark Warriors immediately said, “Dark Lord, he said he’s outside your neighborhood now.” 

Oh well. 

Chad actually took the initiative to run over. Because Chad might have more important information, Gavin also turned around and left the room. He headed out of the neighborhood. 


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