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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 122

Chapter 122 

Shawn was immersed in his own fantasy even when he was dead. 

In his knowledge, Gavin was a simple-minded idiot. 

He believed that with his intelligence, he could completely toy with him. 

Not only would he not die, but Gavin would also be played to death by him. 

However, he did not expect Gavin to be completely different from what he had expected. 

He had already been targeted as a death in Gavin’s heart when Gavin learned that he was related to the massacre of the Clifford family. 

In other words, Shawn would have to die! 

Of course, Gavin could also directly exterminate this alliance like how he treated the Harper family, the Dawson family, and the Holman family. That’s, he could exterminate all of Shawn’s subordinates. 

But through his previous relationship with Chad and the attitude and reaction Chad had when he saw him, he could tell that Chad actually did not know the truth of the Clifford family’s annihilation back then. 

In other words, Chad was not involved in the Clifford family’s annihilation. 

Therefore, in order not to kill the innocent, Gavin kept the Blade Alliance alive. Of course, the most important reason was because of the information network organization that contacted Shawn! 

Looking at Shawn who was dead, Gavin turned around and nodded slightly at Harry. 

Harry understood, took out his communicator, and took a photo of Shawn’s face. Then, he quickly operated the communicator. 

He wanted to send the photos of Shawn to Frostpeak and the research team of the Frostpeak Dark Warriors. 

He could even imitate Shawn’s handwriting to write a suicide note and thus hand over the Blade Alliance to Chad. 

However, wouldn’t it be easier to do this with a video? 

Just one photo was enough to forge a video of a person before he 

committed suicide. 

11 18 

This might sound a little ridiculous, but it didn’t mean that the research team of the Frostpeak Dark Warriors couldn’t do it. 

When all these were done, Gavin stood up and asked Harry, “Did people outside hear the sound of the gunshots?” 

Harry nodded and said, “We didn’t close the door. The people outside might hear it.” 


Gavin nodded slightly and stretched lazily. 

Then he said, “I’m going to take a shower. By the way, when Chad comes, ask him to prepare a set of clean clothes for me.” 


Harry replied respectfully when Gavin’s figure disappeared from the 


Just as Harry had said, the gunshots had perfectly reached the outside of the villa. 

So, the group of the Blade Alliance’s bodyguards outside the villa were stunned when they heard the sound. 

Then, they instantly turned around and rushed into the villa. 

They knew that Shawn was alone in this villa! 

Then what was with the gunshots? Were there assassins hiding in the villa, preparing to assassinate their leader? 

Needless to say, their guess was quite accurate. However, it was a little late for them to react now. 

A group of bodyguards rushed into Shawn’s study in a hurry. But when they saw the open door of the secret room beside the bookshelf in the study, everyone stopped in their tracks. 

All of them looked at the dark corridor inside with strange expressions. 

They did not dare to walk further in. 

This was because Shawn had once instructed that no one was allowed to step into this secret room without his permission! 

Otherwise, they would be punished according to the sect’s rules! Therefore, they all stopped at the door with bewildering expressions. 

Many of them looked at each other. Then, the men who stood at the front shouted, “President! President, how are you doing?” 


“President, is there anything wrong inside?” 

But how could their president still hear their shouts? 

Of course, there was definitely no reply. 

So, the group of bodyguards became anxious. Someone seemed to want to go inside and see what was going on. 

However, someone else stopped him. 

“Don’t go in. Have you forgotten the sect rules? Do you want to die?” 

Although the bodyguards were frightened by the punishment of the sect rules, they still said anxiously, “Then what should we do now?” 

“The president is inside. What was the gunshot just now? What if something happened to the president?” 


What if something happened to their leader? 

His safety was very important, but the sect rules were also very terrifying! The group of men looked at each other. At this moment, someone’s eyes suddenly lit up and said, “How about we contact Chad? Ask him what we should do?” 

“That’s right!” 

“That’s right! Hurry. Let’s contact Chad!” 

This suggestion was immediately echoed by everyone else. 

After all, Chad was the second-ranked person in the alliance! 

If Chad told them to come in, they would follow his instructions. Even if the president would blame them, there was still Chad who would take care of them. So they would not be in any danger. 

Then, a bodyguard called Chad. 

“Chad, bad news. Just now, there was a gunshot in the secret room. The door of the room was open, but we didn’t dare to go in. What should we do now?” 

“What?” Chad was shocked when he heard the news! 

‘Gunshots came from the secret room? Wasn’t there only Shawn alone in the room? Then what was about the gunshots?’ He thought. 

“Wait here, I’ll be right there!” Chad said. 

He arrived at Shawn’s villa without pause on his way because he was so 

shocked inside. 

When he saw the group of bodyguards outside the door of the secret room, he immediately said loudly, “What’s going on? Did you go in and take a look?” 

How could these bodyguards come in? They just looked at Chad helplessly and did not say anything. 

Chad could only grit his teeth slightly and said, “Move aside, I’ll go in and have a look!” 

The group of bodyguards were waiting for Chad to come in. They instantly moved aside. 

Just as Chad walked to the entrance of the door, he suddenly stopped. A glint appeared in his eyes as he remembered something. 

Previously, Gavin, Dark Lord of the Frostpeak Dark Warriors, seemed to have asked him about the location of this villa! 

It was just today that he asked him. Then gunshots came from the secret 


‘Was it Dark Lord who did this?’ Chad reflected. 

His face slowly darkened with this thought in mind. 

He knew that Shawn would be dead by now if it was the Frostpeak Dark Warriors who did this. 


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