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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 215

Chapter 215 

It didn’t take long. 

After a while, Gavin and Harris walked out of the room. 

Sally was the only one left at the door. 

As for Sally’s uncle, he was probably worried that something would happen to his son again, so he directly dragged him away. 

When she saw Gavin and Harris, Sally quickly went up to them and then asked anxiously, “Gavin, how is my mother? And my grandfather?” 

Looking at the anxious Sally, Gavin gently said to Sally, “Don’t worry. It’s fine. 


On the other side, Harris, who was filled with endless fanatical worship for Gavin, directly said, “Miss Tenny, don’t worry. If it were me, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to do anything. However, my master is here. No matter what happens, your mother and the head of the Tenny family will be safe!” 

Hearing Gavin and Harris’s words, Sally slowly heaved a sigh of relief. 

Tears flowed uncontrollably after she relaxed. Of course, she did not forget to shout at Gavin. 

She said, “Thank you, Gavin. Thank you, Gavin, for saving my mother and grandfather…” 

As she spoke, she actually wanted to kneel down to thank Gavin. 

However, Gavin reached out and stopped Sally. Then, with a gentle smile on his face, he said, “Since Mrs. Muriel is seriously ill and has even been given a notice of critical illness, why are you still hiding such things from me? You even told me that Mrs. Muriel is discussing business outside?” 

On the other side, Sally, who was wiping her tears, heard Gavin’s words. A trace of embarrassment appeared in her eyes. Then, she said embarrassedly, “Mom didn’t want me to tell you.” 

“Mrs. Muriel?” Hearing that, Gavin paused. 

Sally continued, “When she was in the hospital, Mom woke up briefly. The first thing she did was tell me not to let you know, Gavin. Mom seems to be worried. that you will be sad if you find out, so…” 

Sally’s voice stopped there. 

After Gavin heard Sally’s explanation, a helpless expression appeared on his face as he shook his head slightly. 

He understood why Muriel didn’t want Sally to tell him. 

Muriel had completely treated him as her family. 

He still remembered that back in Stanlow, he had revealed that long-lost fragile 

look because of his mother’s letter. 

At that time, Muriel felt sorry for him. 

After that, she took the initiative to think of herself as Gavin’s mother. 

She wanted to give Gavin the kind of motherly love that he had already lost. 

It was as if she was worried that Gavin would not be able to accept the double blow of her death. He might feel pain in his heart or do something stupid. 

Therefore, Muriel chose to hide it from Gavin. 

Fortunately, Gavin happened to be on his way to West Blue. He passed by Greenwald. Since he didn’t get a chance to see the Hill family, he planned to drop by and visit Muriel. 

Otherwise, Gavin would have forgotten that there was still Muriel in West Blue… Then Muriel would really die today. 

The Eastern Fire Poison, aside from the antidote from the Eastern King Sect, could only be cured by Gavin. 

Meanwhile, Gavin said to Sally, “Alright. It’s fine now. Fortunately, I’m here. Otherwise…” 

Gavin looked at Sally and shook his head. “Since you treat me as family, in the future, no matter what happens, you have to inform me immediately. Do understand?” 


At this moment, Sally still looked a little embarrassed, but when she heard Gavin’s voice, she nodded heavily and said, “I got it, Gavin!” 

Just as Sally finished speaking, suddenly, a middle-aged man’s voice came from the hall downstairs. 

He shouted, “Where are the people? Where are the people from the Tenny family? Damn it! Hurry up and come out to welcome your esteemed guest!” 

After Sally heard this voice, her brows instantly furrowed, and a look of extreme disgust appeared in her eyes. Then, she blurted out, “Theo? Why is he here? And who let Theo in?” 

Who let Theo in? 

Perhaps there was no one at all. 

After all, the main gate of the Tenny Villa had been destroyed by Harry. As for the subordinates of the Tenny family, they had also been dealt with by Harry and. Rose. 

To be honest, Theo could have swaggered in. 

However, when Gavin heard Theo’s name, he raised his eyebrows slightly. 

A hint of surprise appeared in his eyes. 

He realized that Theo was from the Henderson family in Greenwald. 

As for the Henderson family’s head, Albert, he had already been killed by Gavin 

in Brookspring. 

Gavin thought inwardly, ‘Shouldn’t the Henderson family be hiding somewhere like the Hill family in Greenwald? He is actually so ostentatious and even dares to come to the Tenny Villa to spout nonsense. 

At this moment, in the hall of the Tenny family’s building, Theo, who had a huge mole on the left side of his nose, arrogantly crossed his arms and stood in the middle of the hall. 

Behind him were several thugs from the Henderson family. All of them had fierce looks on their faces. 

They looked like people no one would want to approach. 

At this moment, Sally’s uncle, who was frowning, walked out with his son, Hector, whose head was still swollen. Hector had just regained consciousness. 

A surprised voice came from the other side. 


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