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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31

The next moment, the two brothers looked at each other and laughed arrogantly at the same time It was as if they had already seen the image of Gavin lying dead on the streett 

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Jackson decided to act on his thoughts right away! 

He immediately turned his head and shouted outside the room, “Guard, come here!” 

However, ten seconds passed, and surprisingly, there was no response from anyone. 

Then he decided to shout once more. 

“Guard, come here! Are you all deaf? Can’t you hear me?“ 

Yet, there was still no response from anybody. 

“What the fuck?” 

Just as Jackson was about to lose his temper, Caleb seemed to recall something. 

“Brother… it seems like our guards have all been knocked down by Gavin, Caleb said hesitantly. 

Upon hearing his younger brother, Jackson’s face turned red immediately, and he was embarrassed. 

After a couple of coughs, he said sternly. “That’s okay. We will make sure to repay him twice as much as we have suffered! 

Afterward, he stood up and made his way to a corner where he found a thick book resembling a phone directory. Returning to his previous spot, he took out his phone. 

Under the eager gaze of Caleb, Jackson dialed the first number. The call was quickly answered. A somewhat voice came from the other end of the line. 


On his end, Jackson immediately spoke with a respectful attitude.. 

“May I inquire if I’m speaking to Mr Mason, the head of the Mason family in Brookspring?” 

of raspy 

There was a slight pause on the other end of the call, and then a tone of displeasure crept into the voice as it said, “Who is this? Why do you have my number?” 

On the other end, Jackson smiled slightly and then spoke with an air of mystery. 

“The question about who I am is not important. The most important thing is that the blood of the Clifford family, Gavin Clifford, has returned!” 

[Boom!] A sound like thunder came from the other end of the phone. It was so loud it seemed like someone’s power was erupting. Jackson was startled even on his end of the line. 

Immediately after that, a burst of angry shouting came from the other end of the phone. 

“That’s impossible! Gavin Clifford died in the Sunspire Resistance ten years ago!” 

On his end, Jackson calmed himself down a bit before speaking again. 

“Gavin has not only returned, but on his very first day back, he exterminated the entire Harper family!“ 

“What?” The head of the Mason family erupted into an angry roar on the other end of the line. 

Hearing the furious voice of Mr. Mason, Jackson knew that his words had had an effect. 

He simply said, “That’s all I have to say. Goodbye!” 

[Click!] With a single swift motion, he hung up the phone. 

Caleb looked at his older brother, who had just ended the call, and asked directly, “How did it go, brother?” 

Jackson wore a satisfied smile on his face as he said, “I can tell that the head of the Mason family must be feeling extremely angry right now. It’s like Gavin had killed his son.” 

“Are you serious?” 

An exciting expression appeared on Caleb’s face as well. 


“Very good! 

“Now I am eager to see how exactly Gavin will meet lus end!” 

Caleb’s expression turned ferocious. He had a wicked smile on his face, as if Gavin was already a dead man walking. 

Jackson said, “I’ll call Mr. Holman and Mr. Dawson right now. Hopefully, they haven’t been taken out by Gavin yet.” 

He added, “However, they’re both in Brookspring. I might as well arrange a meeting with them in person 


Caleb nodded and said, “That’s good. At least they will know what happened to us and our family” 

Jackson already started to look up the phone numbers of the head of the Holman family and the head of the Dawson family 

On the other side. 

Gavin was bringing Layla back to his apartment while having no idea that the two brothers from the Taylor family were contacting the heads of three families and giving out information about his existence and plan of revenge. 

However, even if Gavin knew about it happening, he would not care about it. 

For him, it would be best that everyone from those three families showed up together so he could kill them all on one 


That would save him a lot of trouble to find these people one by one and take revenge on them individually. 

Of course, Layla did not know what was happening at the Taylor Villa either. After all, the Taylor family had basically no relationship with her anymore. 

All she knew about was that moment was the happiest time she had ever had since she was born. 

There was no heavy work from the company for her to do. 

No humiliation or physical punishment came from other Taylor family members. 

All she had was a man she deeply loved and who loved her in return by her side. They walked together through the streets of Brookspring, which seemed familiar and yet strange to them at the same time. 

Gavin took Layla with him, and they walked toward the upscale apartment complex he had rented. 

They walked very slowly as if they were enjoying the brief silence. 

Layla, whose hand was held by Gavin, would look at Gavin occasionally while holding a tremendous amount of love in her 



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