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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 52

Chapter 52 

Rickey’s right forearm actually bent at a terrifying 90 degrees. 

The broken bones even pierced through the skin and were visible, causing flesh and blood to splatter everywhere. 

Judy, who stood behind Gavin, felt nauseous when she saw this scene. Her face turned pale. 

However, her eyes revealed a strong sense of curiosity, just like her grandfather. 

Why did this unfamiliar young man have such a huge reaction to the name Nathan Clifford? 

At this moment, Rickey had already collapsed to the ground from the intense pain. He held his arm and bared his teeth. His face was pale with cold sweat. 

He roared at Gavin, “Ouch! Bastard! 

“Fucker! You stupid shit. How you break my hand? 


“I have the Dawson family bloodline! I’ll make sure you can’t walk out of Brookspring alive!” 

Gavin looked at the roaring Rickey and spoke slowly with the same cold and heartless gaze. “Tell me again. What do 

you say Nathan Clifford is?” 

“He’s a parasite.” 



The same scene happened again. This time, Gavin broke Rickey’s other arm. 

Now, Rickey was lying on the ground and rolling around. He looked like a mutant. He looked exceptionally miserable. 



He screamed in pain. 

The intense pain made him unable to say a complete sentence. 

Gavin’s cold voice cut through the air again. 

“Say again?” 

The current Rickey was afraid to the core. 

He realized that the man in front of him was not afraid of any threat at all. 

He felt that if he continued to stay true to his heart, then perhaps his legs would also perish here today. 

Therefore, Rickey hurriedly thundered, “He’s not a parasite! 

“Ow, my hands!” 

Of course, even if he changed his opinion, he still could not forget the intense pain in his arms! 

Gavin was still standing in the same spot. 

He looked down at Rickey and slowly said, “Apologize.” 


Rickey gritted his teeth and endured the pain. 

He bellowed again, “Who do you want me to apologize to?” 

Just as he finished that sentence, he saw that Gavin was about to make a move. 

He quickly said, “Don’t hit me! I’ll apologize. I was wrong. I’m sorry!” 

Gavin looked at Rickey and slowly said again, ‘Apologize to Nathan!” 

“I’m sorry!” 

Rickey shouted, “I was wrong, Mr. Nathan I’m sorry! 

“You’re not a parasite. I, Rickey Dawson, am a parasite. I’m disgusting and useless! 

“Will that do* 

Rickey actually asked Gavin if his apology was okay 

Unexpectedly, Gavin answered him truthfully, “That’ll do” 

After hearing Gavin’s words, Rickey heaved a sigh of relief. However, in the next second, he heard the last sentence 

“You can die now!” 

On the other side, Rickey had yet to react. 

A loud bang pierced the air. 

Rickey collapsed on the ground with his chest caved in due to the impact. 


Internal organs, blood, and bones instantly spewed out of Rickey’s mouth and nose. 

Rickey died with his eyes wide open. 


Seeing this gruesome scene, Judy screamed and covered her mouth. 

Her pupils dilated, and her face turned pale. 

Fear was not only reflected in her eyes, but also in the staff member and the old man. 

When they saw Gavin slowly turn around, they even subconsciously took a step back. 

Although they dared to fight against the Dawson family, they had never seen anyone die in front of them! 

Gavin looked at everyone’s reaction and knew why they were afraid and worried. 

Therefore, Gavin took out his phone and dialed a number. 

He immediately said, “Put aside the matters at hand and clean up this place.” 

Subsequently, he gave an address. 

He then hung up the phone.. 

his life 

Observing how those three were still nervous, Gavin took a deep breath softly and calmed himself down before he spoke slowly. 

“Sir, don’t be afraid.” 

“I’m Gavin Clifford, from the Brookspring’s Clifford family!” 

Hearing this family name, the old man’s pupils constricted instantly. 

The next second, his breathing became rapid. He leaned on his walking stick and took two steps forward. 

He said to Gavin with an obviously excited expression, “You’re Gavin Clifford?” 

Gavin looked at the excited old man in front and felt inexplicably touched. 

He nodded heavily and said, “Sir, I’m Gavin Clifford!” 

“You look… You look too alike! 

“Gav! You’re Gav! Gav, you’re back? Gav, you’re still alive!” 

As the old man spoke, tears actually welled up in his eyes. 

He took a step forward and even threw away his walking stick. He hugged Gavin tightly in his arms. 

He kept patting Gavin’s back and made a wailing-like sound. 

“Gav, you’re back. You’re finally back!” 

Gavin thought. “Have I ever seen this old man? I don’t remember. 

“But why is he so excited to see me?” 

However, for Gavin’s father to hand his will to this old man for safekeeping, it was apparent that Gavin’s father had extreme trust in this old man! 

Gavin also patted the old man’s shoulder with both hands and comforted him. “I’m still alive I’m back” 

On the other side, the old man suddenly turned around and spoke to his granddaughter, Judy 

Judy, hurry up! Go quickly and take out the photo I placed under the pillow!” 

When Judy heard this, she did not dare to be negligent at all. She turned around and ran toward the back. 

Not long after, Judy dashed out with a slightly yellowed photo 

The old man took the photo without delay and brought it to Gavin 

When Gavin saw this photo, his eyes instantly welled up, and his entire body trembled slightly 

It was because his father, Nathan, was in this photo! 

Nathan was carrying a swaddled baby in his arms. This old man, who looked young in the photo, stood beside Nathan with one hand over his shoulder. 

The old man looked at the photo and said, “This is your father, and this is me. At that time, you were the baby wrapped in 


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