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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 54

Chapter 54 

Hearing his granddaughter Judy’s words, Ian instantly let out a cry of surprise. 

Ian looked at Gavin in shock and said shakily, “Gav… Gay, is what Judy said true?“ 

Gavin looked at Ian with a faint smile on his face. 

Gavin nodded and said, “Mr. Rivera, actually, Frostpeak Dark Warriors aren’t as scary as you think.” 

Now that Gavin had personally admitted it, lan fell into a state of dementia. 

Although Ian did not know much about Frostpeak Dark Warriors, he totally understood how powerful they were. 

He was also sure that the Sunspire Resistance that transpired ten years ago was an attack launched by the Thirty-Power Allied Forces against Frostpeak Dark Warriors. 

Ian wondered, “Gavin is actually the leader of Frostpeak Dark Warriors? 

“He’s truthfully so powerful. Why would anyone dare to attack his family, the Clifford family? 

“Hang on.” 

lan’s eyes flashed. 

The extermination of the Clifford family seemed to have occurred after the news that Frostpeak Dark Warriors and the Thirty-Power Allied Forces perished together spread! 

For a moment, lan had a guess in his heart and slowly said, “Gav. 

“I’m afraid the mastermind behind the massacre of the Clifford family must be an extraordinary figure!” 

When Ian said this, there was a hint of hesitation and nervousness in his tone, but more than that, he was worried about Gavin’s safety. 

After hearing lan’s words, Gavin’s gaze slowly became profound. 

Gavin nodded slightly and softly said, “No matter who he is, I, Gavin Clifford, will lead the Frostpeak Dark Warriors in finding him and making him kneel in front of my door to apologize!” 

Gavin’s tone was very calm as if he was just a person telling the story. 

However, when these words reached Ian and Judy’s ears, they felt like thunder had exploded from the nine heavens! 

Gavin’s aura was vast and mighty, making them unable to extricate themselves from this majestic atmosphere for a long 


Gavin changed the topic and said, “Mr. Rivera, can I see my father’s will?” 

Hearing this, lan finally snapped back to reality and hurriedly placed the box in his hand in front of Gavin 

lan answered, “Yes, of course. Your father left this for you in the first place. It’s been so many years, but I haven’t even looked 

at it!” 

No one knew if Gavin heard what lan said. Gavin’s eyes were fixated on the box on the table. 

His eyes reddened with moisture. 

He reached out his slightly trembling hands and opened the box in front. 

There was an envelope lying quietly inside. There were a few large words on the envelope. 

[To my dear son, Gavin.] 

When Gavin saw these words, he couldn’t hold back his tears anymore. Tears directly flowed out of his eyes. 

It was his father, Nathan’s handwriting! 

Gavin could recognize it, and he would never forget it! 

Moreover, when Nathan wrote this line of words, he must have suffered serious injuries. Otherwise, his handwriting would not have trembled so much 


Gavin slowly let out a sorrowful voice. 

Then, he carefully took the envelope out of the box and opened it. Gavin was once again faced with Nathan’s familiar handwriting. 

[Gav, by the time you read this letter, I might already be dead) 


Lavin’s tears flowed faster and faster. He could not stop them. 

The scene of the circumstance under which Nathan had written the letter kept replaying in Gavin’s mind. Gavin recalled Nathan’s kind face in his mind. His tears had already begun to wet the letter in his hand. 

As time passed, Gavin held back his tears and read the letter Nathan left for him. 

“Slap!” He slammed the letter in his hand shut. 

Gavin took a deep breath and wiped away the tears in his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he had already lost all his grief. Instead, it was replaced by intense hatred and a hint of surprise. 

In Nathan’s will, he did not reveal to Gavin the identities of those responsible for the extermination of the Clifford family. It seemed that Nathan did not know either. 

However, Nathan had mentioned an extremely important matter in the letter. 

It was the family heirloom of the Clifford family! 

In Nathan’s will, he told Gavin that the Clifford family heirloom was extremely important. 

Also, it seemed the Clifford family heirloom was somehow connected to the Clifford family’s extermination! 

It seemed the Clifford family heirloom was somehow linked to a great secret of the entire Blearus! 

This family heirloom had already been hidden by the Clifford family’s people. 

The clues to the hidden location of the family heirloom were in the hands of the Conor family! 

In other words, it was his mother’s family. 

Therefore, in Nathan’s will, Nathan told Gavin that Gavin must seek out the Conor family and find the Clifford family heirloom! 

Of course, the last sentence in the entire will was also something that Gavin would never forget. 

[Gay, you have to avenge our Clifford family!] 

Gavin held the will tightly in his hand and said slowly in a hoarse voice, “Dad, don’t worry. I will definitely take revenge for the Clifford family!” 

Although there were no clues about the enemies of the Clifford family in Nathan’s will, according to Nathan’s guess, the Clifford family heirloom had an unclear relationship with the Clifford family’s extermination. 

The family heirloom was even somehow related to the great secret of Blearus. 

Was this the legendary saying that wealth would bring trouble? 

If Gavin could find the Conor family, he would be able to find the Clifford family heirloom through the Conor family’s clues. 

Then, would the enemies who destroyed his family in the past come out one after another? Would he not need to investigate step by step? 

With this thought in mind, Gavin felt that curing his aunt, Kris Conor had become the most important matter! 


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