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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 7

Chapter 7 

The firelight coming out of the shotgun reflected Cameron’s face. There was a bloodthirsty radiance on his face. 


eyes were also filled with cruelty and excitement as if he had already seen Gavin die from being shot by the bullets. sprayed from his shotgun. 

But the next second, the clear sounds of “ping” kept sounding as if there were many iron nails falling down to the ground. 

But those sounds were not caused by iron nails. They were caused by shotgun bullets being bounced away from Gavin’s body. 

The bullets hit Gavin’s body as if they were hitting a hard piece of steel, and they were bounced away. 

From beginning to end, Gavin stood quietly in place without doing anything, watching all of this calmly. 


Cameron looked at the scene in front of him in surprise and mumbled to himself, “This is impossible. 

“Bang!” Cameron, with a ferocious look on his face, went crazy and fired a shot at Gavin again. 

But the result was exactly the same as before. The bullet he fired still bounced away from Gavin’s body. 

If Gabriel was still alive, he could certainly be able to see that this was Gavin’s body-protection energy that belonged to an advanced warrior. 

In addition to possessing powerful killing abilities, advanced warriors also possessed hard self-protection abilities, and body-protection energy was one aspect of it. 

Gabriel would also think that he was naive to think that Gavin was a useless person because he himself didn’t have body- protection energy. 

Even after cultivating for decades, Gabriel would not necessarily be able to have such strong body-protection energy as 


Cameron was now completely dumbfounded. Fear completely overwhelmed his heart. 

He turned pale and trembled all over. 

Although there were still bullets in the shotgun in his hand, he no longer had any courage to pull the trigger toward Gavin. 

Seeing the scene, Samuel, who stood on the side with difficulty while bracing himself against the table, revealed a look of despair in his eyes. 

He let out his heartfelt lament slowly, “The Harper family is over.” 

As he said those words, Gavin made a move. 

With a loud bang on the ground, Gavin’s right foot stomped hard into the ground, causing the ground to vibrate violently. 

The bullets that bounced off his body and fell to the ground just now unexpectedly rose up in the air because of the violent 


In the next second, Gavin suddenly waved his right hand. 

Those bullets shot out in the direction of the Harper family instantly. 

The speed at which these bullets flew was even faster than the speed at which they were ejected from the 




“Poof…” A series of sounds sounded, and blood splattered in the hall of the Harper family. 

Except for Samuel, who celebrated his 80th birthday that day, all the descendants of the Harper family, including Cameron, died after being shot by these bullets. Their bodies fell to the ground weakly in a crooked manner. 

Even the Harper family members who were kneeling and begging for mercy just now were not spared. 

Samuel, with a pale look on his face, stood shakily in place, his face filled with despair. Turbid tears slowly flowed from his 


He watched helplessly as his family and all his loved ones died in front of him, and there was nothing he could do about it. 

“Noooo!” Samuel let out a roar of sadness from the bottom of his heart. 

“Gavin, how could you be… so cruel? Why… why did you destroy my entire family?” 

Samuel stared at Gavin angrily with his eyes wide open. 

Gavin looked at Samuel and asked in a sharp and deafening voice, “I’m so cruel? 


you ever think of today when you destroyed my family?” 

Samuel would definitely not answer this question from Gavin. Instead, he asked back in a hoarse voice, “We did everything without leaving any future troubles behind back then, and no one knew the truth. How did you know that the Harper family was involved in what happened back then? Who told you that?” 

How could Samuel ask such a question at such a moment? 

Actually, no one told Gavin the truth back then at all. 

It was only when Samuel’s grandson sent someone to kill Gavin’s sister, Zoe, that Gavin learned that the Harper family was related to the Clifford family’s destruction. 

Now it seemed that Samuel had no idea about what his grandson, Xavier, had done before. 

Gavin did not answer Samuel’s question. He parted his lips and asked back directly, “Who else was involved in the matter back then?” 

Gavin knew that the Clifford family was once the largest family in the world. Not to mention the Harper family was weak back then, but even the current Harper family could not be able to destroy the Clifford family. 

Therefore, there had to be other accomplices who participated in the destruction of the Clifford family back then. 

Samuel seemed to have not heard Gavin’s question and mumbled to himself, “I see. I see. 

“Was it the bitch from the Taylor family who told you the truth back then? 

“We asked the Taylor family to join us to destroy the Clifford family back then, but the Taylor family rejected us. We should have destroyed the Taylor family to stop future troubles. 

“I regret it. I regret it.” 

The Taylor family? 

Upon hearing Samuel’s words, Cavin raised his eyebrows lightly. 

The Taylor family in Brookspring? 

Gavin was familiar with it. 

He still remembered that he had an engagement with the Taylor family 10 years ago before he led the Frostpeak Dark 


Warriors northward. His fiancée was Layla Taylor, the second young lady of the Taylor family. 

He and his fiancée Layla grew up together as childhood sweethearts and had agreed on a marriage contract a long time 

It was just that he had been gone for 10 years, and he did not know how Layla was now. 

Just then, a strange sound pulled Gavin’s thoughts back. 

He saw that Samuel, the old man, had bent down and picked up the shotgun Cameron had used just now. 

But instead of shooting Gavin, Samuel put the muzzle of the gun to his own head. 

He was going to kill himself. 

Seeing the scene, Gavin’s body instantly turned into a stream of light. 

With a snap sound, Gavin kicked the shotgun out of Samuel’s hand. 


Samuel stared at Gavin with desperate eyes. He growled in an old and hoarse voice, “Am I not even allowed to kill myself?” 


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