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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 89

Chapter 89 

Claire had already run very far. Gavin was standing in Caius’s funerai hall in the Dawson family home

Gavin looked at the corpses around him

His face was expressionless

Gavta only calmly instructed the team leader of Frostpeak Dark Warriors Team D, Harry, Search: the Dawson family. See it there’s anything special

And then burn it down.” 

That’s right, there was no need to leave any traces of the Dawson family’s existence anymore

At this moment. Harry had also seen that the matter between the Holman family and the Dawson family had come to an 


Harry immediately took a step forward and said respectfully to Gavin, Reporting to the Dark Lord, I’ve made some discoveries in the Holman family home.” 


When Gavin heard Harry’s voice, a hint of curiosity and joy appeared on Gavin’s face. Then, Gavin immediately asked, What did you find?” 

Here, Harry took out a letter from within his clothes and proffered it up on two hands

Gavin’s expression did not change as he quickly took the letter from Harry’s hand

The envelope of this letter was even a little frayed and yellowed, which meant that this letter was indeed quite old

There were no words on the envelope

After opening it, the handwriting on the letter was a little blurry

However, Gavin could still read it clearly

Gavin’s eyes suddenly lit up when he saw what was written on it

Gavin discovered that this letter was actually a letter from the mastermind of the Holman family, written to the Holman family’s patriarch, Zachary Holman, before the destruction of the Clifford family

The content of the letter was that the person behind Zachary had received instructions from his superiors

It told Zachary to become the leader of the entire Brookspring operation against the Clifford family

It told Zachary to gather all the forces in Brookspring that could attack the Clifford family. After the helpers from the various regions reached Brookspring. Zachary was to officially launch an extermination attack on the Clifford family of Brookspring

Gavin looked at the letter and his heart trembled

He knew that there was someone behind Zachary, but he did not expect that the person behind Zachary was also instructed by someone else

Gavin could not understand it at all

What sins did the Clifford family commit to have so many high and mighty persons want to destroy the Clifford family


Moreover, through this letter, Gavin also found out that at that time not only the major powers of Brookspring hot, also major powers from various regions joined in the attack on the Clifford family

What Gavin knew of right now was Greenwald

Greenwald was the closest city to Brookspring. Of course, there was another city on the other side of Brookspring 

These two cities surrounded Brookspring. On the other side was the coastal city of Waterside

If the forces in the city of Greenwald attacked the Clifford family, according to the words in the envelope, Waterside was also more than likely involved as well

At that time, the Clifford family was the number one family in the world

Its power was so great that it was definitely not something that one single city could stand against

At that time, if they wanted to quietly destroy the entire Clifford family overnight, they would definitely have to mobilize a huge force

However, who had the authority to mobilize so many people to attack the Clifford family

What was the reason for attacking the Clifford family

At this moment, Gavin could not help but think of the will from his father that he had received from Ian

His father’s will told Gavin that the Clifford family’s family heirloom, the Clifford family’s keepsake, was probably inextricably linked to the tragedy of the Clifford family’s destruction

But now, only the Conor family knew about the heirloom of the Clifford family

If Gavin wanted to find the Clifford family’s family heirloom, he had to find where the Conor family was hiding first

And to find the Conor family, he could only do it through his own aunt, Kris

However, wounds in his Aunt Kris’s heart had yet to heal. When she heard any words about the Conor family, she would subconsciously become frightened and flustered

If Gavin were to forcefully interroga:: Karis now, he might just destroy his aunt

At the thought of this, Gavin clenche 1 his fists tightly

The clue was right in front of him, but he just couldn’t touch it. This feeling was really uncomfortable

Meanwhile, the letter did not tell Gavin who wrote it

There was just a strange pattern printed on the back of the letter

It looked like a pastel thorn flower

Originally, when Gavin saw the thorned flower on the back of the letter, he did not read too much into it. He only thought that the pattern was part of the envelope itself

However, just as Gavin put the letter away, out of the corner of his eye, Gavin saw the Dawson family plique that he had asked Harry to bring over to scare Claire

Behind the words Dawson Estateon the plaque, there was also a dark golden thorn flower

When he saw this thorned flower, Gavin’s eyes narrowed slightly. He immediately took out the letter from his chest pocket again and pasted the pattern on the back of the letter on the plaque of the Dawson family. It was exactly the same 

At this moment, Gavin also felt that this pattern was unusual. He immediately handed the letter in his hand to Harry and 


related to this pattern” 

Understood?Harry replied in a sonorous voice

Harry immediately led his teammates of the Frostpeak Dark Warriors in a fullswing search 

As for Gavin, he slowly left the Dawson family mansion with a thoughtful expression

He was going home

Gavin did not plan on coming out tonight. He wanted to stay with his family, but Kris’s mental state suddenly acted up. making Gavin unable to suppress the anger in his heart. Hence, the Holman family and the Dawson family were removed from this world, one day earlier

However, Gavin still had an unexpected gain


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