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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 98

Chapter 98 

As for Cannon Meyers, he was completely dumbfounded

His face was pale

He felt weak all over


With a thud, Cannon fell limply to the ground, almost no different from yesterday’s scene

The vicecaptain that Cannon mentioned also seemed to 

save gone crazy as he kept looking around

He wanted to see if any of his subordinates were still standing on the ground

However, the results were disappointing 

Just as the surrounding sand, rocks, and fallen leaves dissipated… 

The scene in front of Cannon and the vicecaptain of the Warrior Surveillance Bureau was a pile of bloody corpsest 

These corpses all had the same symbol, which was that they were all wearing the uniform of the Warrior Surveillance Bureau

They were all elites of the Warrior Surveillance Bureau

Because they had lost a lot of manpower to Gavin, they did not dare to be negligent

The subordinates he brought out this time were much stronger than the ones Cannon brought out last time

But, they didn’t even get a clear look at the other party’s ten subordinates before they fell into a pool of blood

Gavin! Bastard! I’m going to kill you, I’m going to kill your 

The vicecaptain had a ferocious expression on his face as if he wanted to skin Gavin alive

He did not even notice the ten men in black behind Gavin


He crushed the soil under his fert 

He shot towards Gavin

Gavin’s eyes were still slightly red 

The person in front of him had already labeled him as an enemy in Gavin’s heart. Therefore, in Gavin’s eyes, he was already a dead person

The vicecaptain who rushed overlooked Gavin, who stood motionless and did not dodge or defend at all. A cruel smile appeared in his eyes as he shouted

HehHow arrogant 


-step supreme rank warrior. You trash, die?” 

The vicecaptain’s roar was accompanied by his iron fist as it ruthlessly smashed towards Gavin’s head

Gavin looked 

Tarror v plain and shouted


Right after Gavin shouted

The vicecaptain felt as if his chest had suffered a violent impact

A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth and nose uncontrollably

His entire body was sent flying like a kite with a broken string 


With a bang, it collided heavily with a huge tree


The tree broke and fell to the ground


The vicecaptain who fell to the ground could not help but spit out another mouthful of blood

At this moment, his face was ashen. His pale face was filled with shock as he looked at Gavin, who was still standing rooted to the ground


The third mouthful of blood

Gavin only shouted loudly, and a halfstep supreme rank warrior vomited three mouthfuls of blood consecutively 

For the third mouthful of blood, the vicecaptain seemed to have spat out a piece of his lung lobe 

He propped himself up on the ground and panted heavily

Fear appeared in his eyes

As far as he knew, Gavin was just a young man in his twenties

No matter how strong he was, no matter how talented he was, it was only possible for Gavin to deal with an ordinary warrior or an expert warrior with cas However, he was only a step away from becoming a supreme rank 

Why was he like an ant that could be easily crushed in front of Gavin’s strength

On the other side, Gavin naturally did not care about the fear and surprise in the vicecaptain’s heart. Instead, he walked step by step towards the icecaptain with heavy footsteps

Gavin’s voice was house as he clenched his fists tightly It was obvious that the anger in his heart had yet to subside


vas questioning the vicecaptain from the depths of his soul

In your eyes, is it more important than hundreds of lives

Hundreds of people in the Clifford family

Among them, there were warriors and ordinary civilians. Just like that, they were crazily slaughtered overnight

In the eyes of the Warrior Surveillance Bureau, it was not even a matter. How could they casually take care of it

Those hundreds of lively voices were not enough to match the benefits that others gave them

Hearing Gavin’s doubts, the pale deputy captain actually smiled

He held his chest and shouted at Gavin

Hundreds of lives are nothing!” 

You the Clifford family are just trash. You’re trash!” 

Even a warrior’s life is nothing, let alone those scumbags who are not even warriors. They are not worthy of living in this world. If they die, so be it!” 

To be honest, even the team leader of Frostpeak Dark Warriors Team D, Harry Geller, couldn’t take it anymore. He took a step forward and shouted at the vicecaptain

Don’t forget that you’re also a fucking warrior!” 

Bullshit, I’m not!” 

The vicecaptain actually went hysterical. He roared

I’m not fucking warrior! I’m from the Warrior Surveillance Bureau, and I’m from the government! Warriors are trash in front of me, just some simpleminded and brawny idiots!” 

Just like you bunch of idiots. You’re not worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as me!” 

Even at this point, this vicecaptain still spoke in such a tone and had such thoughts

It was as if after he had an extra layer of skin on his body, his entire body had sublimated, and he could be superior to others on the spot

His uniform had even driven the vicecaptain crazy. He did not even care about his own life anymore

Gavin looked at the vicecaptain’s current appearance. He could imagine how many lowlevel warriors he had bullied when he was wearing the uniform of the Warrior Surveillance Bureau

It wasn’t just warriors. There were also some ordinary people

After all, these people were not even human in his eyes

There was indeed no need for such a person to live anymore

Gavin also raised his fist

You don’t deserve to live in this world. When you’re down there, don’t forget to kowtow and confess to the people you’ve harmed!” 


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