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The substitute bride is a mute novel Chapter 46

Judy looked perplexed and shook her head.

She had no recollection of anything from her childhood. She always thought it was because she was a late bloomer and began to remember things much later than others.

Her earliest memories were when she was brought to Tocham by Matthew and lived there ever since.

Lilly tucked Judy's fringe behind her ears, revealing her beautiful features. As if talking to herself, Lilly said, "It's because you've forgotten it. If you could remember it, you wouldn't have come to Tocham with Matthew."

Judy was confused. "Why so? I thought Father brought us here because our old place wasn't safe?"

Judy lived in the mountains with Lilly and her mother as a kid. But her mother passed away in a bushfire. And it was because of this incident that Matthew brought her and Lilly to live in Tocham.

"Of course not! That bastard brought us here because of—" Lilly stopped abruptly.

"Because of what, Grandma?" Judy signed.

Lilly frowned when she talked about the incident. Her eyes clouded with sadness.

Judy tugged Lilly's sleeve. "What's wrong, Grandma?"

Lilly came to her senses and answered, "No, it's nothing." Lilly patted Judy's hand and continued, "My dear Juju, you must live happily.

"We just have to feel no qualms about what we do. Your mother will certainly be your guardian angel."

Judy nodded in reply.

"Oh, by the way, do you still have the box your mother gave you?" Lilly asked.

"Yes." Judy nodded.

"Make sure to keep it safe," Lilly reminded.

Chapter 46 1

Chapter 46 2

Chapter 46 3


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