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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 119

When Scott recovered from the searing pain, Nigel and the other two men had closed in on him and were about to start attacking again.

Even though his cultivation base was high, there was no way for him to prepare for it in such a short time. So, he became a bit restless.

He raised one hand and waved it in front of his chest quickly. Soon, a Mysterious Ice Shield began to form.

But he was still a little slower than the others. Just before the Mysterious Ice Shield completed formation, Nigel and the two other men's forces came charging and hit the shield heavily.


The loud sound jolted the surroundings.

The forming shield burst into pieces and ice chips scattered in all directions. Scott opened his mouth and blood gurgled from his throat and came out of his mouth. His face turned instantly pale.

Even with his power, he was still hurt terribly when the three Earth Realm cultivators hit him at the same time.

* *

Excited over what happened, Nigel laughed.

"Hahaha! He's been hurt badly.

We can kill him now that he's weak.

Well done, little buddy!" he called out to Austin.

Injuries notwithstanding, Scott overheard Nigel. 'Little buddy?' he thought to himself.

Eyes feral, he raised his head to look straight at Austin. He suddenly realized it was this young man who made the spiritual attack on him moments ago.

'This guy must have a Secret Weapon with him that can mount a spiritual sense attack, ' he thought.

Realizing there was really no Mysterious Realm cultivator present, Scott was immediately relieved.

Then he looked at Austin, with a gaze so sharp that it could pierce the body. 'This guy is as weak as an ant, yet he has managed to hurt me terribly, ' Scott thought furiously.

Realizing his mistake, Nigel immediately regretted shouting. His words alerted Scott that there was no Mysterious Realm cultivator on his side, and the spiritual sense attack was only from Austin.

Seeing Scott's expression, Austin realized the situation had turned for the worse. Although Scott was badly hurt, it was still going to be easy for him to kill the young disciple.

As expected, Scott stepped back and took a pill, which he quickly put in his mouth.

Then he started running his vital energy. A round moon immediately appeared before him. It glowed mysteriously, with its killing intent aimed at Austin.

Growling, Scott said, "Little bug, you dared to cheat me? Go and die!"

Austin bellowed inside. 'No!'

An unprecedented feeling of danger overwhelmed Austin.

Discretion is always the better part of valor.

Even with his most powerful trump card, which was Violet, Austin knew he could never survive Scott's attack.

So without hesitation, he started the Wind-commanding Skill. In a second, he was 10 meters away from the enemy. He waved his arm again and this time was 20 meters away in a flash.

Scott was stunned. Seeing Austin cover so much distance in a short time, he had doubts of being able to catch up with the wily disciple.

So he directed his fury at Nigel and the others.

"Hmmm... I may be badly hurt, but it will cost you guys a lot to kill me," Scott declared fearlessly.

"Do not talk to him. It's a stall tactic. He's eaten a healing pill and needs time to recover," Lyle warned.

His warning had Nigel and Elton nodding to acknowledge the situation, and they immediately got into position to start their most powerful skills to attack Scott. Intense fighting began.

With a mocking laugh, Scott cried, "You mediocre fighters! Try my blade intent!"

Adversity, however exasperating, never depressed Scott. On the contrary, he became inspired to fight with his foes in high spirit. Soon after speaking, a long and thin machete appeared in his hand, and he threw a menacing look at the three.

As soon as the weapon materialized, the blade intent spread all over the place.

Buzz! Buzz! And more buzzing ensued.

The machete gave off light sounds as if it were a live creature. The air around them suddenly turned cold. Invisible blade intent filled the surroundings, and it scattered in every direction.

By this time, Scott and the machete seemed to have become one and nothing could divide them!

Scott was the machete!

And the machete was Scott!

A whizzing sound broke out.


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