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The Three Little Guardian Angels novel Chapter 1254

Maisie frowned.

"So you picked her?" The server brought over a cup of coffee, and Jackie moved it next to his hand.

"Her father wanted to match-make us, so it would be normal for me to pick her."

Maisie rubbed her temples.

"So, you’re not really interested in her?"

"She isn’t interested in me either.I don’t like to make people do things." She smiled.

"Oh, you didn’t make anyone do anything at the hotel." Jackie was rendered speechless.

Maisie put her hand under her chin.

"I feel better hearing you say that.I need your help with something too."

The news about Naomi and Jackie dating spread quickly, and it got to Anthony too.

Even he was shocked.

Naomi was having dinner at the table when he rushed home and looked up.

"You’re back."

"I just finished work."

Anthony put down his briefcase, pulled up a chair at the table, and suddenly asked, "Nelly, how did you and Mr.Clifford..."

Naomi smiled.

"Didn’t you wish that I would end up with him?"

Even though she was just pretending to date Jackie, she couldn't tell her father the truth.

Anthony paused.He did hope that his daughter would end up with Jackie, but that was too soon.He didn’t believe that it was that simple.He looked at Naomi.

"Nelly, do you like him?"

Naomi paused, and after a while, she looked at him.

"Dad, would you let me marry a man that I don’t have feelings for?"

Anthony choked and looked down.

"No way.Of course I want you to marry someone you love—"

"But the man that I like doesn’t feel the same way for me anymore, so it doesn’t matter who I end up with, right?"

She smiled sadly, put down her cutlery before she even finished eating, and went upstairs.

Anthony froze on the spot and frowned.He didn’t know if what he had done was right, but he knew it was for his daughter, and that wasn’t wrong.


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