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The Three Little Guardian Angels novel Chapter 1283

The bodyguard nodded and drove away.


Daisie took Zephir to Maisie’s side and introduced him to her, "Mom, this is Zephir, the friend I’ve been mentioning to you."

Zephir greeted her politely, "Hello, Mrs.Goldmann.I study in the same school as Daisie.I’m currently in the sixth grade, and my name is Zephir Gosling."

Maisie laughed.

"It’s nice to meet you, Zephir."

‘This boy seems very humble and polite"

She then glanced at Daisie.

"You’re in charge of your friend tonight.You have to entertain your guest well." Daisie nodded.

"I know, Mom, I’ll definitely try my best to entertain him!"

After Daisie took Zephir away, Barbara came over with Beatrice in her arms.

"Your daughter is quite popular among boys, huh?"

Not to mention, as far as Daisie’s appearance was concerned, she was already very pretty-looking at the age of nine.

She would definitely look breathtaking in another few years' time.

Maisie rubbed her temples.

"Yeah, this is the pain in m y *ss right now."

‘After becoming a parent, I really wish Daisie would look a little more ordinary.Although it’s not her fault that she looks good, I only worry about her future.."

As the night sky covered the surrounding in darkness, the Goldmann mansion’s courtyard was brightened up by the lights found around the garden, and the banquet was looking extremely boisterous.

In addition to Zephir, Daisie had invited Lisa and Sapphie too.

Kennedy brought Sapphire over.

Sapphire was already one year old and had learned how to walk.She could also babble a few simple words and address others.

Maisie picked Sapphire up.

"Sapphie, I haven’t seen you in a while, and you’ ve learned how to walk."

Kennedy laughed along.

"Indeed, kids grow very quickly.She still needed others to carry her around just a few months ago, but now, she sometimes doesn’t even let others pick her up."


Sapphire called Maisie with her adorable voice, and Maisie could not stop laughing.


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