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The Three Little Guardian Angels novel Chapter 1340

"Yes, Ma’am, my name is Daisie Vanderbilt."

Daisie answered politely.

Mrs.Fraiser walked to Lisa’s bed and said to her, "You should bring your friends home.We thought you didn’t have friends from school."

Lisa was still quiet.

Daisie smiled and said, "I'll visit after this then."

Mrs.Fraiser couldn’t stop smiling.

"Great, you’re very much welcomed.Hey, how’s Lisa’s performance i n school? I hope you can help her in the future."

"Yes, I will." Daisie nodded.

Lisa bit her lips and turned to her side.

"I’m tired.I need to rest."

Mrs.Fraser was annoyed.

"You stupid girl, we’ve come all the way to visit you, but you’re throwing a tantrum.Are you ashamed of your parents?"

"Honey, Lisa is in bad condition.Just let it go."

Mr.Fraiser felt helpless but couldn't say much.

His wife was the one who made most of the decisions at home.

"Was I wrong? She never brings her friends home and won’t even let us go for the parent-teacher conference.Why would she be ashamed of us?"

Mrs.Fraiser was angry.

As a mother, she couldn’t even attend her daughter’s parent-teacher conference, and Lisa would be annoyed when they asked her to bring her friends home.

Daisie heard what Mr.and Mrs.Fraiser said, then looked toward Lisa, who was in bed.She mentioned going to their home too, but Lisa wasn’t too happy about that.She kept saying that her mother was very strict and wouldn’t let her bring friends home, but it was actually the other way around.

Daisie didn’t overanalyze that.She thought Lisa was just afraid that her friends would think she came from a poor family.

Daisie didn't care about the financial status of her family.

At Morwich’s Maple Lane...

Pearl was building a sand castle with her child in the yard.She had a son who was already two years old.


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