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The Three Little Guardian Angels novel Chapter 1435

Chapter 1435

Heidi looked disdainful. “I only gave you a slight nudge. How is it possible for you to go into labor? I used to chop firewood when my stomach was as big as yours. Just how squeamish can you be?”

It was not until blood flowed out between Bella’s legs that Heidi realized something was wrong.

Before Heidi could react, Saydie had already rushed in from outside.

Heidi was stunned, “who are you!?”

Saydie ignored her and quickly took out her cell phone to call an ambulance.

• • •

Yorick received a call that his wife had gone into labor and had been sent to the hospital, so he immediately rushed back to the Maternity and Child Health Hospital of Coralia.

Because the baby was born prematurely and the mother was bleeding profusely, the nurse asked a family member to sign the consent form so the hospital could arrange an operation immediately.

However, when Yorick was about to sign it, Heidi stopped him. “what do you think you’re doing? All mothers bleed when they’re giving birth to a baby. And think about this, the operation will surely cost a fortune.”

The nurse standing on the side immediately put on a cold and gloomy face. “Ma’am, the woman lying on the operating table is your daughter-in-law. The bleeding will become life-threatening if not stopped immediately. The most crucial thing we should do now is to ensure the safety of both the mother and the child.”

Yorick pushed Heidi away and signed the form directly.

Maisie and Hector arrived later, while they arrived at the corridor, they could hear Heidi arguing with Yorick from a distance. The nurses tried to persuade them several times but still could not stop them.

Heidi sounded extremely wronged as she yelled, “I’m the one who gave birth to you and raised you! Yet, you’re treating me like this for another woman? I only gave her a slight nudge! who would know that she’s this squeamish and has to give birth prematurely? And you’re blaming me for her weak body?”

This excuse astonished Yorick.

Saydie walked up to Maisie and reiterated the facts to her. And Hector and Yorick’s expressions changed drastically when they heard it.

Heidi still did not think it was her fault at all and even blamed Maisie. “It turns out that she’s one of your people. I should know that you don’t mean well. Both of you actually colluded to frame me, didn’t you?”

Maisie gazed at her and said nothing.

Yorick lowered his head, walked to the side silently, leaned against the wall, and squatted down slowly. His face looked downcast and haggard.

A few hours later, the nurse came out with good news, saying that both the mother and child were safe and that the baby was a girl.

Yorick finally heaved a sigh of relief.

When Heidi heard that Bella had given birth to a daughter, her expression dimmed instantly. “After going through all that trouble, the baby she’s given birth to doesn’t even have a wiener. If I were to know that she’s so—”

Yorick finally could not help but yell, “That’s enough!”

Heidi was taken aback and became even more upset because her son was yelling at her. “what’s wrong with that statement? I’m your mother. Are you rebelling!?”

Yorick let off a pathetic scoff. “I’d rather not have you as my mother.”


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