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The Three Little Guardian Angels novel Chapter 1439

Chapter 1439 

Since Nolan wouldn’t bring any benefits to the businesses in Hewston and Mr.Saldana had a bunch of spies there and knew enough people, it would be easier for him to take action on his own turf.

His little tricks were all related to escorts, and a lot of businessmen fell for that.He just trapped the men for their lust and knew what they wanted.

All he needed to do was to make some arrangements, and he would pounce when the men had their guards down.

Nolan twirled the teacup around while he stared at the tea swirl.

"He owns the big casino in Hewston?"

Quincy replied, "He owns some shares there but doesn’t interfere so that he can get out of it easily if something happens."

Nolan laughed dryly.

"I guess it’s time to make them d o some work."

He put his hand above his head and wanted to get rid o f him.Did he think that he would be powerless just because he wasn’t in Hewston? The cafe was full as usual.

Elaine went in and ordered a latte to go.

The manager walked out of the employees’ room in an apron.

This man who looked quiet was actually quite the fighter.He walked toward the cashier register.

"Ms.Xavier, here for your coffee as usual?"


She took out her card to pay and looked around, "Looks like it’s pretty busy here."

The manager gave her the receipt.

"The college students are on a break, and that is usually good for business."

She took the receipt and waited at the side.

A few college students came over to ask if the owner was there.

The manager said something to them that Elaine didn’t hear.

She noticed that the patrons there were mostly female students and a few couples.


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