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The Three Little Guardian Angels novel Chapter 1503

Chapter 1503 

Coton was outstanding in a private school, and some universities had already given him admission letters even when he was just 13.

Maisie hugged Nolan’s waist.

"Yes, our son is a genius.I’ll let you make the arrangements then."

Nolan called the school's principal personally and arranged for Waylon’s transfer, and it was done.

Waylon would be in the top class, the same as Zephir.

The students in that class started chattering once they found out that there would be a new student.

Zephir was reading on his desk, and even though he wasn’t particularly paying attention to the new transfer, he was curious.

The teacher walked over with the transfer student, and everyone looked toward the window.

Zephir looked too and felt that the person looked familiar.

The teacher walked into the classroom with a smile and stood at the front of the class, "Please quiet down.We have a student who transferred in from a school overseas.I hope that you’ll be able to show him around.Let’s welcome him."

"Isn’t that Coleman Goldmann?"

"Is this a mistake?"

The other students were all questioning, but Zephir knew who he was.

The teacher nodded toward Waylon and said, "Mr.Goldmann, introduce yourself."

Waylon picked up the marker and wrote his name on the board.

[Wayne Goldmann] He faced his classmates calmly and said, "It’s nice to meet all of you."

The news about Waylon transferring in and skipping two school years shook the school.

Everyone was even more surprised when they found out that he was Colton’s twin brother.

They knew about the Goldmann triplets, had seen Daisie and Colton, but never met Waylon.

That day, they realized that Waylon looked exactly like Colton.

The only differences were some features and characteristics.

Colton had a mole at the corner of his eyes and was arrogant.He wasn’t easy to speak to.

Waylon didn’t have a mole and looked cold but wasn’t arrogant.

Daisie heard that her brother was in the same class as Zephir, so she went to the high school area to see him once the bell rang.


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