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The Three Little Guardian Angels novel Chapter 1691

Chapter 1691 

Edison looked at Nollace in surprise.

‘Isn't this red-haired woman Maggie? The C-Class model who had a scandal with Ken last year?’ He remembered that Ken, who was still engaged to Lara last year, was busted by the media for "secretly meeting" with Maggie at a horse farm in a foreign country, and Jonah had been furious about it.

After that, Ken stepped forward to explain the whole thing, and everyone put the incident at the back of their minds.

Nollace put the magazine down and asked, "He is going to offer you to Mr.Matthews?"

Maggie nodded hurriedly.

"He's going to turn me into someone who resembles Lara.But I know I'll die once I go to Donald’s side."

Nollace squinted and thought for a few moments.

After that, he rose to his feet and asked, "When is he going to do it?"

Maggie bit her lips and said, "He has found me a doctor.In about three months."

"You just follow what he wants you to do."


Maggie was stunned.

Nollace then continued indifferently.

"I can assure your safety when you fall into Donald’s hands.But the problem is that, do you trust me?"

Maggie fell into contemplation.She knew what Ken was going to do with her.

If not, she wouldn't have come to the Knowles and asked for their help.

On top of that, if it weren’t for Nollace, she would have been killed by Lara’s men back then.

As if she had made up her mind, she said, "Okay.I trust you."

The secretary sent her out.

Edison walked up to Nollace and asked, "Sir, is she...The mole you inserted beside Ken?"

Standing in front of the window, Nollace said, "It all began with a coincidence.When her relationship with Ken was exposed last year, Lara found someone to get rid of her.I thought that she would come in handy in the future, so I saved her."

Of course, she was rather a useful woman.

After all, judging from the fact that she could make Ken fall for her back, it proved that she had some tricks up her sleeves as well.

And now, she would become the pawn in helping him turn the tide to his favor when the time had ripened.

Meanwhile, at the college...

Daisie had been rehearsing the whole morning.


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