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The Three Little Guardian Angels novel Chapter 1982

Chapter 1982

After ten minutes, the police officer who went to get the footage returned.

“Sir, I’ve checked the footage and saw Mr.Goldmann came over with a group of people and left soon after that.” Sandy was overwhelmed.

“What about what happened to the footage from yesterday? They attacked me and took my granddaughter!” The police officer looked ather and frowned.

"There's no footage of you getting attacked.” Sandy's face dropped.

“No…that's impossible!" She yelled, "I was attacked yesterday! How could that not have been recorded!? You must be afraid of the Goldmanns and lied to me!”

“Ma’am, you can take a look for yourself if you don't believe me." She immediately walked to the manager, who was holding a tablet.

The footage had a timestamp on-it, and it was showing what happened last night.

There was nothing that showed her being attacked.

Sandy’s face turned white because she couldn’t believe it.

That wasn’t possible! She could not accept it.

"No! This must have been tampered with!”

While the police officers were having a problem dealing with her, a lawyer walked into the hotel lobby.He saw the people crowding at the front desk and the police, so he understood what had happened.

“Who is Mrs.Pruitt?” Sandy was angry and had a bad attitude.

"Who are you?" The lawyer walked forward and took out his card.

“I’m a lawyer appointed by the royal family.Mrs.Pruitt, we suspect that you are involved in child abuse, so we need you to come with us.” Sandy was so anxious her blood left her face.

"Nonsense, I don't abuse children!" After she said that, the lawyer took out a report made by the hospital.


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