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The Three Little Guardian Angels novel Chapter 2073

Chapter 2073

Not long after the message was conveyed, Buchanon received a call from Fabio.

Fabio said something to him through the call, and Buchanon agreed to what he said with a smile.

"Yes, understood.Don’t worry, I'll handle this well."

He then ended the call, turned around, and glanced at Collin with a ruthless expression.

"It’s a pity, Collin.Since your plan has been revealed, Mr.Puzo can’t keep you by his side anymore."

Collin’s expression changed drastically, and he climbed to Buchanon’s feet.

"I’ve really been wronged! It’s Ms.Serrano who tricked me! Please ask Mr.Puzo to give me another chance!"

Buchanon ignored Collin’s cry and waved his hand.

A bodyguard walked up to his back, covered his mouth, grabbed his head at the top and the chin, and exerted brute force abruptly.

Collin’s head was twisted, and the bodyguard dragged his body downstairs.

On the other side of the town, in a hot spring sauna...The lighting in the VIP room was dim, and Fabio was soaking in a hot spring bath with two blonde beauties sitting in his arms.

The woman who walked in stood by the bath and lowered her head.

"Mir.Puzo, Mr.Gibson has already dealt with Collin." Fabio sneered.

"He didn’t disappoint me and actually found out the issue with that shipment within a day."

He picked up the wine glass beside him, and the blonde beauty beside him poured him some wine consciously.

"However, do you think I should believe what Collin said?" The woman lifted her gaze.

"Are you referring to the fact that Ms.Serrano is the one who played him?" Fabio laughed out loud.

"Joaqin can’t even go against Sunny without getting himself singed, and we’re now talking about his daughter.Does she have the capability to get her hands on the goods that the Southern Clan confiscated?"

The woman’s eyes moved.

"Perhaps we’ve underestimated Joaqin’s daughter." Fabio drank the wine slowly.


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