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The Three Little Guardian Angels novel Chapter 2329

Chapter 2329

Daisie and Zephir had been good friends since they were young. After Lisa’s incident, Zephir and Lea were the people who helped her get back on her feet.

Nollace looked at him and said, “He sees Daisie more than as a friend.”

Colton clicked his tongue and replied, “Are you jealous of him?”

Nollace picked up the cup and chuckled. “Why should I be jealous of him? You’ve underestimated Daisie’s love for me. She’ll only stand on my side.”

Colton snorted. “Stop it. It’s gross.”

Nollace took a sip from the tea and asked, “Did Zephir do anything in the past?”

Colton thought for a while and asked, “What do you mean?”

He said, “Has Zephir ever done anything behind Daisie’s back?”

Colton fell silent for a moment and suddenly remembered something. “Do you still remember what Lisa said when she was trying to hurt Daisie?”

Nollace thought for a while and replied, “She said it’s you and Daisie who destroyed her future since you guys were the ones who made her unable to study at any school in Bassburgh.”

“Daisie thought I did it, but it wasn’t me. Still, I’m not sure if it’s his doing or not.”

They were the last ones to learn that Lisa had been expelled from the school. As for why she had been expelled, Colton had assumed it was a decision made by the school. He had not done anything and had never ordered the schools in Bassburgh not to accept Lisa.

However, other than the Goldmanns, only the Goslings could do such things at that time.


Edison arrived at the house of the female influencer. He knocked on the door for a long while, but no one came to answer the door.

Edison frowned. He had been watching the female influencer for a few days and hadn’t seen her leave the house.

Feeling that something was not right, Edison kicked the door open and entered the room. The female influencer was lying unconscious on the side of the bed, and the floor was littered with a bottle of medicine.

When Nollace came out of Blackgold, he received a call from Edison. “Sir, Ms. Larson tried to kill herself by taking sleeping pills. I’ve already sent her to the hospital.”


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