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The Three Little Guardian Angels novel Chapter 329

Chapter 329

Tyler’s expression changed slightly.

“I’m the mother of the two children who the members of your hater group abused. I finally found you.” Maisie raised her eyebrows.

Tyler tumed around and wanted to run, but Maisie reached out and grabbed his arm. She exerted only a tiny fraction of her full force, yet Tyler already cried out in pain. “It hurts, it hurts, it hurts…”.

The other boy was stunned in place. He did not dare to make any move when he saw Tyler being subdued in an instant.

“I…, I was wrong, Miss. I’m just the group owner. They’re the ones who were hired. It has nothing to do with me.” Tyler felt numb and pain in his arm.

Maisie’s eyes looked cold and stem. “You’re the leader of the group, and you should bear the greatest responsibility. Does that make sense?”

Tyler could not utter anything due to the pain.

“Now tell me, who hired you to do so? I’ll let you go as long as you say it.”

  1. I really don’t know, but I can help you ask around as I know the administrators of the group, and they can help!”

Maisie let go of her grasp upon hearing his answer.

Tyler clutched his aching arm, took out his cell phone with one hand, went online, and asked his friends hurriedly.

His cell phone then beeped, and there were several replies. He handed it over to Maisie after a while.

Maisie glanced at the chat log and saw someone reply at the exact moment. “It’s a woman, but her name is a little blurry to me now. Her last name is Vanderbilt or something like that. Did she just betray us?”

Maisie did not even have to read through the whole message, and she had already recognized it.

It’s Willow!

She handed the phone to Tyler, looked upward, and stared into his soul. “Get your friend to lure that woman out.”

Tyler grabbed the phone and gulped down a mouthful of saliva. “W-What do you plan to do?”



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