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The Tragic Tale of Teddy Woven novel Chapter 21

Glenn Miller’s “In the Mood” was blasting through the speaker, much to Teddy’s annoyance. He made the mistake of stating he listened to nothing but classical music, so I was trying to liven up his house with jazz. After all, they were very similar, so surely that would not upset his nerves. The long frown on his face informed me that I was wrong, but I danced to the music next to him anyways.

“Come on,” I taunted with an urgent wave of my hand for him to come over. “Dance with me.”

“Sela, I am cooking,” he sighed out with distress. His statement was true, for he was in fact busily working over the stove-top to prepare our dinner.

I childishly lifted up his dish towel and smacked him lightly in the arm. “Dance with me.”



Teddy grabbed a hold of the towel to tug me towards him. “Promise.” He pecked his lips over mine with a sudden urgency. “Now, have a seat.”

“It’s not ready yet,” I complained. “Why must I sit?”

“The answer is simple,” he reasoned with a raise of his hands. “You are a distraction.”

“A good one though?”

“Please, can I have my normal music back on? I must concentrate.”

I laid a hand over his solid back and leaned over to kiss him on the side of his neck. “Yes, Teddy,” I purred in a naughty way, and then quickly scampered off before he could kiss me back.

The stereo, of course, was in his music room. I walked down the hallway, and then began to skip as I approached the open doorway. My mood had lightened since Teddy and I made up, and now all I wanted was to be incredibly affectionate and near him all the time. He was the complete opposite this evening, but I knew there had to be a logical reason behind it. The music was switched back to his normal radio station, and then I turned the volume down since a commercial was currently playing.

Luna leapt off Teddy’s piano, energized enough from her long nap for her to join me. I lifted her off the ground with supreme happiness. Luna purred in my arms, snuggling her head upon my chest with her blue eyes wide open to take in the sight of me. I swayed her from side to side as I walked down the long hall, humming an unknown song to counteract the droning of a nonsensical commercial. I paused in front of the staircase, and found myself humming with tighter lips. There was an eerie feeling when I looked up at the staircase; a chill ran down my spine that was beyond explanation. I looked downwards at my bare feet, taking in the coldness of the floor. My mind suddenly recalled the first time I met Teddy, and his familiar voice wafting past an open window down to the gardens where I was currently waiting for him. Was he not speaking to someone that day?

I stepped forward quickly and entered the kitchen to ask Teddy about this bewildering scenario that happened some time ago. “Teddy,” I called out. He was too focused on stirring around the mashed potatoes to pay attention to me. I tapped him lightly on his upper arm, which was enough for him to turn to me. “Teddy.”

A warm smile spread across his face and he leaned forward to peck a kiss over my brow. “Yes, my dear.”

“I have a question.” His wooden spoon continued to stir around the silver pot, mixing in the butter and herbs that he had just added to give the mashed potatoes more flavour. I leaned against the side of the countertop and looked down at Luna for some extra strength. “Does anyone live here with you?”

“You know I live alone,” he calmly answered me.


Chapter 21 1


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