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The Transfer novel Chapter 2

I woke early the next morning. I got up quickly, much too excited to start my first day of training in Takiani. I changed into a pair of black workout tights that I found and then a navy blue tank top. I managed to find a pair of sneakers and I slipped them on also. They fit just perfectly, somehow.

When I waltzed out to the kitchen, Ezra was already awake. The smell of freshly made coffee wafted through my nose and I bit back a moan and my wolf brightened up at the smell of caffeine.

"Morning, princess. Did you sleep well?" Ezra asked me as I leant against the counter. I stared at him carefully for a moment, wondering if I had kicked and cried during the night.

The nightmares started after the incident, and they came every night. Sometimes they were really bad, other times, they were fine. I hadn't woken during the night so I assumed they mustn't have been that bad this time.

Which was a relief.

"I guess so. It feels strange to not be home in my own bed," I told Ezra. He smiled and nodded at me, sipping on his coffee.

"Understandable. Just let me know if I can do anything that'll make your stay more comfortable," Ezra said, warmly smiling at me. My beast calmed, the anxiety and overwhelming feelings dying down for just a moment.

Then, there was a knock on the front door. I smelt him almost instantly.

Henry was here.

I waved goodbye to Ezra and then rushed out the cabin. I met Henry on the grass out the front of my cabin. The sun was only just starting to rise and it made the land before me look even more beautiful.

Henry stood on the grass, surrounded by two other wolves — Alfie who I had met the day before and another wolf that I hadn't met yet.

"Morning, Alison. I'm glad that you're up early for the run. Usually new comers struggle to get out of bed this early," Henry greeted me. I smiled and awkwardly shrugged at him. I was an early bird, always had been.

Back home, I was often always the first person in the whole pack to wake. As soon as I was awake, I'd usually go for a run. I took the track behind the pack house that lead me out the a large flower meadow, in which I would lay down and soak up the sun.

"What can I say? I'm an early bird," I smiled at him. Henry turned to Alfie and the other male wolf standing beside him.

This male was strong, but not as strong as I was. I knew he wasn't an Alpha, the scent didn't roll off him. But he was still strong. His body was all muscle, and he was tall.

The male offered me a smile, to which I slowly returned. Alfie cleated his throat and motioned to the male.

"Alison, this is my son, Kade... and Kade, this is Alison Grey, from Terialta," Alfie made introductions quickly. Kade held his hand out to me for a handshake, and I hesitantly grabbed him hand and I shook it.

Kade smiled at me, and I didn't feel threatened. This male was not after our neck. But that was only because he had a mark on his own neck. He had a mate, he wasn't interested in me. Plus he wasn't cocky, yet. My beast rumbled in approval as we pulled our hand away.

"Alfie and Kade will be accompanying us on our run this morning," Henry told me. I nodded quickly as Henry motioned behind me. I spun around, facing a trail embedded in the dirt. I figured that it must've been a trail often used.

It looked worn out. But at least I knew there was a trail next to the house.

"You think you can keep up?" Alfie teased me. I raised my eyebrows at him and my beast yipped at the challenge. She wanted to show everyone that we were strong. We weren't a weak wolf and everyone needed to know that.

"Try me," I retorted with a small smile. Alfie chuckled a little as Henry lead the run. I followed behind him, jogging at first. It was peaceful.

Everything in the forest was only just waking up. The morning dew was melting off the plants and the wonderful smell of flowers slowly invaded my nose.

I had to pick up the pace when Henry sped up. I ran alongside him for what felt like forever before he let out a loud rumble that seemed to shake the trees around us. He let his beast push forward and he leapt into the air, his wolf coming forward completely.

His four paws hit the ground and he kept running. He got faster and I took that as the cue to shift also. I heard and felt the cracking of my bones before I landed on the ground on four paws.

My wolf hummed in approval at the fact that we were getting to shake out our fur again. She pushed forwards, keeping up with the Alpha male that ran in front of us.

Henry's wolf was a grey wolf. His fur was thin and patchy, parts of his fur missing from the battles that he had fought in his lifetime. His wolf was huge, and he easily was bigger than mine. Although, he was kind of scrawny for an Alpha.

He looked skinny, almost as if his wolf was hungry. But I tore my eyes away from him as I felt a nip at my feet. I look back, earning a sheepish grin from Kade who was now running alongside me.

This male was playful. My wolf liked him. He nipped at our feet every time we looked away to pay attention to something else. He stopped when his father gave him a warning growl after he almost tripped me over.

Kade kept up to me. He looked like he was being challenged, and I liked it. I liked challenging other wolves. It made them stronger and it made me a better leader.

But when we reached the rocky hills, I was the challenged one. My wolf pushed hard, keeping up to Henry's wolf as we ran. The hill was indeed challenging and my wolf liked it. She liked that we were already being pushed within our first day of being in Takiani.

When we came back to the pack, there were people buzzing all around the area. Most people were in their skin, but there was some wolves sparring with each other in their fur. It was fascinating to see how this pack worked in comparison to mine.

Henry shifted back into his skin and I avoided my eyes from his naked body as he reached into the trunk of a tree and pulled out clothes. He pulled on a pair of shorts and then tossed clothes to the two males and handed me a shirt. I took it and rushed behind a bush to shift back and pull on the shirt.

I wasn't comfortable with anyone seeing me naked. I knew that most wolves didn't even care, but I did. I cared too much.

I slipped the oversized shirt over my head and then came out the bushes. I walked hesitantly over to where Henry was now standing with a group of other wolves. I noticed that Kade was walking away to the sparring rings.

Alfie approached me as Henry was rushed away. I assumed that he had Alpha business to attend to. I wasn't bothered by his absence. There was something about him that put my beast on edge. Maybe I wasn't used to being around another Alpha.

"You kept up well on that run, Alison. Quite impressive. Newbies usually struggle on those hills," Alfie told me. I beamed at him. My beast swirled with pride. We were glad that were were getting the recognition we deserved.


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