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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 1439

Second Dragon and the others immediately looked at Darryl. Darryl smiled bitterly as he explained the situation to them. After all, they were his men; he was not afraid that they would laugh at him.

However, Eldest Dragon laughed after Darryl’s explanation. “I see! So, you went to rescue the Princess, but the palace guards overpowered you. Master, the Emperor must have thought that you died when you fell into the moat! Also, Eric Scope and his disciples are currently searching for you, which I’m sure will alarm the royal family soon! If they found out that you are not dead, well, I can’t even bear to think of the consequences! However, I have a solution for your most urgent problem!”

Eldest Dragon retrieved a mask; it was as thin as paper, and it had exquisite features.

“A mask?” Darryl frowned.

Eldest Dragon smiled mysteriously and said, “Master, this mask is a precious treasure! As long as you put it on, you can change your face as you wish.”

Eldest Dragon smiled widely. “Just put on this mask and change your name. No one will recognize you in the tournament!”

The Four Dragons and Four Phoenixes had done many terrible things before Darryl took them in. They had used the same masks to avoid pursuers.

Of course, the mask had many flaws, too. It should not come in contact with water, and one should stay away from people who were familiar with them. Otherwise, someone could still recognize them easily.

Darryl was delighted. He could not wait to put on the mask.

A few minutes later, Eldest Dragon clapped his hands in satisfaction. “It’s done, Master!”

Then, he passed a mirror to Darryl.

Darryl accepted the mirror and looked into it. He was pleased with his face. He had a beard and appeared less frivolous and more calm and stable. His appearance had changed a lot. Even if he saw people who were familiar with him, it would take them some time to recognize him. Unless, of course, they saw him from a very close distance.

Darryl laughed discreetly.


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