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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 1459

“Mister Yohan, you have a good servant!” Geoff gritted his teeth and said to Parker at that moment before turning around and strode off.

Geoff still thought that Darryl was Parker’s servant up until that moment.

Parker was befuddled for a long time upon seeing Geoff walking away.

She came to her senses a few seconds later and could not hide the curiosity in her heart. “H-how did you win?”

Darryl thought for a while and casually replied, “Maybe I was just lucky.”


They heard a commotion coming from the side just as they were talking before a figure walked out while being accompanied by a group of people.

Kilenc Dokko!

The surrounding young girls kept screaming excitedly.

“Mister Dokko is out!”

“He took the top spot in the literary competition again today!”

“He’s so good-looking and gifted! My God, he’s the perfect genius!”

Parker was also attracted to him as she gazed at Kilenc in indescribable admiration. She muttered to herself, “I didn’t waste my efforts coming to this tournament as I’ve met so many talented people! I hope I don’t go up against Kilenc before the finals!”

Only Kilenc Dokko was more talented than her compared to the other contestants in Parker’s heart.

“Hehe…” Darryl lightly smiled upon seeing her expressions before waving his hands and said, “I’ll make a move first and see you tomorrow.”

Darryl then turned and left without even looking at Kilenc. Even if Kilenc was talented, he needed not even be worried as he had Pang Tong’s assistance.

He noticed a group of people walking from the opposite direction toward him when he almost arrived at the inn. A dozen men were wearing the same clothes—clearly disciples from the same sect.

Their leader was a huge burly man with a darkened expression.

It was the person who had lost to Darryl during the martial arts competition that morning, Tad Leo. The men around him were his brothers.


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