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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 1862

“What are you afraid of?” Megan replied coldly. Then, she took out a green flute—it was the Jade Fairy Flute.

Megan had no chance to display her Jade Fairy Flute because Eira had subdued her. After Fanny managed to divert Eira’s attention, Megan immediately seized the opportunity.

She drew the Jade Fairy Flute, the experts from various sects that were present quickly covered their ears.

They had experienced the power of the Jade Fairy Flute, and they knew how terrifying it was.

Then, Megan mustered her internal energy and sent it into the flute. At the same time, she put the flute to her mouth and began to play gently.


Suddenly, the flute produced a clear and gentle melody.


When the flute sounded, a powerful wave permeated the area, and ripples of rhythm formed in the air!

Eira was almost in front of Fanny when she felt the motion around her. She trembled, and she looked shocked. Eira felt dizzy after she heard the melody; she found it hard to stay on her feet!

It was not only that; her internal energy seemed to have been suppressed too!

Eira stopped in her tracks while she stared wide-eyed at Megan. She was in astonishment.

‘What kind of a flute is this? Why is its melody so terrifying?’

‘When did Megan get her hands on this Grand Weapon?’

Megan cracked a sly smile when she noticed she had successfully disturbed Eira’s focus with the rhythm of the Jade Fairy Flute. She took advantage of Eira in a panic; Megan lifted her hand and slammed her palm toward Eira!

The speed of the palm was too fast; Eira was affected by the rhythm, so she had no chance to avoid it at all. She could only use her internal energy to greet Megan’s palm attack.


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