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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2064


When she saw that Quincy could not make a decision, the Empress said gently, “That’s alright; we’ll take your previous condition as a joke. Your marriage will affect the fate of the two mainlands, so there should be no hesitation. Tell me, which day would you like to get married?”

The Empress might have agreed to Quincy’s condition to drag the matter of their marriage had the Westrington envoy not appear or the previous scene did not happen.

However, at that moment, Darryl had become the Westrington Emperor again—his identity had changed. It would also be embarrassing for the Empress if Quincy reneged on her words in front of so many officials.


Since the Empress had said that, Quincy knew that she would have to agree to the marriage. She lowered her head and said gently, “Then, let’s have it a month from today. It would be too rushed to have it within these few days; we need to make many preparations for the ceremony.”

Quincy did not want to marry Darryl.

However, she had no choice. She was the one who had come up with the condition, and Darryl had managed to achieve it. Therefore, she had nothing else to say.


The Empress smiled, nodded, and said, “Then, we’ll have it in a month.”

Then, she turned to the officials and said, “We will make preparations for the Princess’ wedding from tomorrow onward. So do not slack on your tasks.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” The officials replied in unison.

Then, everyone surrounded Darryl and paid him obeisance as they congratulated him.

“Congratulations, Prince Consort, I mean, Your Majesty…”

Darryl smiled, but he was not very happy or excited. He still had not been able to locate Debra, so how could he be happy?

The banquet ended two hours later. The Empress, Quincy, and the officials left the main hall one after another.

At that moment, Darryl gathered a few generals with him.

“Pass my order along—send these sketches out immediately. You have to find this person, no matter what.” Darryl passed a sketch of Debra’s appearance to the generals as he looked at them solemnly.

He had sketched it before he attended the celebratory banquet. He had not wanted to take it out while the Empress and Quincy were there.

“Yes.” They responded and then quickly left to do as commanded.


Darryl lifted his head and looked up to the night skies. He sighed as he said a prayer.

‘Debra, no matter where you are, I will find you.’


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