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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2107

Finally, after a whole two minutes, Darryl smiled and said to Jackie, “If I’m correct, you were harmed by a grand weapon, and it injured your pulse.”

As he spoke, Darryl intentionally looked like he was deep in thought as he continued to talk, “The grand weapon that harmed you had a strong killing aura. Let me guess, it should be Lu Bu’s Heavenly Halberd?”

Jackie’s heart trembled as he looked at Darryl curiously. He was stunned and could not speak.

‘This person’s medical technique is so powerful to this extent. Not only can he tell accurately what my injury is, he can even guess the weapon that harmed me. How incredible.’

Jasmine’s body trembled as she looked at Darryl; her eyes were shining with amazement and respect.

‘My judgement of him was correct. Mister Derby is like a healer from heaven. No one told him about how Jackie was injured, but he guessed accurately by just observing.’

Snowy and the rest of the disciples were all in shock as they looked at Darryl with admiration.

“Mister Derby’s medical skill was incredible.”

“That’s right, he knew it by just looking at it.”

“How incredible…”

Darryl looked arrogant while he saw how shocked they looked, but he was laughing secretly to himself.

‘Jackie and Snowy are so interesting. I just said a few words and they are all amazed. I am the one who caused Jackie’s injury; how could I guess wrongly?’

Finally, Jackie reacted and complemented Darryl, “Mister Derby is really great. You guessed correctly; that is impressive. I was injured by the Heavenly Halberd. May I know Mister, is there any cure that can speed up my recovery?”

As he said that, Jackie sounded respectful and polite. His arrogance earlier was all gone.

“A medicated bath, just like how it sounds, will eliminate the injury.” Darryl looked around before his gaze finally landed on Jackie. “Get someone to prepare a wooden pail and then put in a few herbs, and medication following my instructions. You shall soak in it for an hour and that should relieve your injury substantially.”

Darryl continued to think, then continued to say, “However, you need to apply the medication in the right sequence. It also requires a special method to activate the energy to cure the injury. As such, I will need to be around.”

He looked serious, but on the inside, he was smiling.

The truth was, Darryl had many ways to speed up Jackie’s recovery, but Darryl did not want that. Jackie was deviant, so how could he cure him so easily?


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