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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2113

“Monster, don’t harm the weak!” a voice suddenly shouted from above.

The woodcutter looked towards the sky where the sound came from, and his body trembled immediately. He took a cold breath and was stunned.

He saw a very slim figure flying towards him that looked like a goddess, dressed in a long white dress. Her alluring body was shown off perfectly, and her exquisite facial features were just like a goddess.

That woman was Megan.

After being buried alive by Ambrose at Emei Mountain, Megan had used the breath-holding method to save herself. After thinking about all the things she had done, and the consequences, Megan had a great self-realization. She let go of all the hatred in her heart, as well as the fame and left Emei Mountain to venture all around the world.

During that period of time, every place that Megan went, she would do a lot of good deeds. She punished evil and helped the poor, benefitting all the citizens as she tried to redeem all the sins she had committed before.

She was passing by this place by coincidence when she saw a fierce tiger trying to harm the woodcutter and his son. Megan did not hesitate and went over to stop it.

At that instant, the woodcutter was completely stunned with his mouth wide open as he looked at Megan in mid-air.

‘Is she a goddess from heaven?’ he thought.


The fierce tiger roared as it felt that Megan was a threat and charged at her.

Megan did not panic at all when she saw the fierce tiger pouncing towards her. Her face was extremely calm. She shouted, and her body floated in the air, making a turn, “Prepare to die, you beast!”

She avoided the tiger’s pounce, and at the same time, extended her gentle hand and slammed it on the tiger’s head.


With a deep moan, the fierce tiger’s skull cracked, and it died on the spot. Its enormous body fell in the woods.


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