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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2189

Nathan’s cold sweat continued to drip. Finally, he asked the soldiers beside him, “What happened? Tell me honestly, don’t hide anything.”

The soldier trembled and explained the situation to Nathan cautiously.

Zane continued to speak after the soldier narrated the situation. “Father, I only invited Miss Synder to be my guest at the mansion. I have no other intention, but this man caused a scene. He was rude to me—”


Before he could finish his sentences, Nathan slapped Zane on his face without warning!

Nathan almost used all of his strength to slap his son; blood started to drip from the corner of Zane’s lips.

The confused Zane covered his cheek in disbelief. “Father! Why did you hit me?”

Everyone else was equally stunned.

‘What’s going on?’

‘Didn’t Nathan admit that he did not know Darren? Then, why is he on Darren’s side and even taught his son a lesson?’

“B*stard! Are you trying to get me in trouble?” Nathan became angrier. He slapped his son a couple more times.

“Father, what’s going on?!”

Zane was dumbfounded by his father’s sudden change of attitude. He felt like crying as he rolled around on the ground in pain.

The crowd was also bewildered. Several soldiers wanted to step forward and mediate the conflict, but they were held back by Nathan’s scary expression.

“What did I teach you? As the Green Dragon Garrison Commander, my duty is to keep everyone safe. You are my son, so you ought to have led by example. Yet, you kept messing around and getting me in trouble!”

Nathan slapped and rebuked Zane in his rage.

Soon, Zane’s face swelled to almost double its size.

Nathan was heartbroken to have done that to his son, but he maintained a smile when he approached Darryl. Then, he said politely, “Sir, you’ve done an admirable job in helping someone in distress. My unruly son had made such a huge mistake, but you managed to stop him. I’m grateful for your aid!”

Nathan’s voice trembled when he said that; he spoke with respect and care. Yet, at the same time, he panicked.


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