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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2322

Everyone gasped in awe. She really was a princess with a beauty that matched the title! Ambrose was also fascinated by Heather and could not help but steal a few glances at her. Then, he smiled and said, “Don’t be afraid; we are here. You are safe now.”


Ambrose turned to look at Hidden Dragon and Dixon in their heated duel. Bam, bam, bam… Waves of internal energy vibrated between those two. Anger took over Hidden Dragon as he thought about how Dixon had defeated him once. He had to win to move forward from that shameful experience. Hidden Dragon was proud to be the king of the ocean that could overpower anyone in battles on the water.


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However, Dixon was composed the entire time, especially with the help of the gigantic shark that he rode. He did not feel threatened at all, and he slowly began to gain the upper hand. Little did they know that they were approaching a vast whirlpool not too far away.


“Brother Dragon!” Ambrose felt uneasy at the sight of the whirlpool; he shouted, “Be careful, don’t get too caught up in the fight, come back!”


He had saved the princess of the Sea Mackie Clan; they should not need to worry much about crossing the dangerous Ruins Sea. After all, the Sea Mackie Clan had been protecting that area for thousands of years. With Heather’s help, they could capture Dixon alive, so there was no need for Hidden Dragon to waste his time with the man.


However, amid his rage, Hidden Dragon could not be bothered with Ambrose’s warning. They got closer to the whirlpool, and while Dixon remained agile with the help of the gigantic shark, Hidden Dragon was risking his life with every movement.


Baam! Finally, Dixon caught a chance and swung the Sky Breaking Axe fiercely toward his target. Hidden Dragon moved to dodge the strike, and he was sucked into the whirlpool in the blink of an eye.


“Brother Dragon!” “Captain!”

Ambrose, Eira, and everyone else could not believe their eyes. Many of the pirates were devastated; they were in tears.

“Captain is dead?”

Ambrose and Eira felt a sharp pain in their chest. Who would have thought that the man who ruled the seas would lose to someone like Dixon? His body was sucked into a whirlpool, never to be found again.

Dixon laughed victoriously on the back of the gigantic shark. “That is what you get when a mere loser dares to challenge me.” Dixon’s eyes landed on Ambrose with a smirk. “Kid, I am in a good mood today, so you are spared for now. I’ll see you around.” He did not give them a chance to react before he retreated with the shark.

Dixon was cruel by nature; he would not have let Ambrose go under normal circumstances. However, the fight a few days ago had weakened his internal energy, and he was further drained when he fought Hidden Dragon. Ambrose wielded the Tyrant Hammer that made him a formidable opponent, so Dixon decided to stay away.

Ambrose clenched his fists and stared in the direction where Dixon left. He saw nothing but red, and every cell within him was screaming for him to go after Dixon and kill him right there and then. However, the whirlpool was far too dangerous to cross without a gigantic shark like Dixon’s.


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