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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2334

Meanwhile, inside the Honourable Son’s tent at the Raksasa Tribe camp on the other side of the Chaotic Mountain Range.


Debra and Shentel sat in the tent and sipped on their cup of hot water. They could not find any tea in the Wild Deserted Secret Region, so clean hot water was pretty much the next best thing. There were hung animal skins inside the tent with poetry, cultural and geographic knowledge from the Nine Mainland written on all of them. Alaric sat with them; he seemed sincere with no trace of arrogance that would have been normal for a man of his status.


“My dear teachers.” Alaric asked with a smile, “According to what you have been saying, the people in Nine Mainland are not savages, but they are educated and with high attainment, and they seek peace more than anything else?” Alaric paused to consider before he said, “If that’s the case, then it would not be reasonable to attack them. The Raksasa Tribe would become mere criminals who started a war.”


Debra and Shentel gave each other a knowing glance. Then, Shentel smiled softly and said, “The Honourable Son is truly wise; we are relieved that you think that way. You are right; the people in Nine Mainland want to live peacefully. As long as the Raksasa Tribe communicates with sincere intention, then no one would see you as the enemy.”


Debra nodded in agreement.


Days had gone by, and as the two ladies shared their knowledge with him, Alaric had learned a lot about the Nine Mainland. They were surprised that he was not only intelligent but he was also merciful. He was a truly gifted individual with incredible potential.


“I see!” Alaric grinned and stood up; he was delighted with the compliments that he had received. “Well then, I should try to convince my father not to attack them then, and I shall do it before he gives the order.” Alaric immediately headed toward the Raksasa King’s tent in long strides.


The Raksasa King had called for his generals to gather in his tent to discuss strategies for the battles ahead of them. The Gigantic Monster had sucked up enough energy, and the final arrangement was in place.


“Father.” Alaric trotted into the tent and said respectfully, “I think leading our army across the Chaotic Mountain Range to attack the Nine Mainland is too reckless. Instead, let’s send an envoy to express our sincere intention for peace and see how they respond to it.” Alaric paused to look around the tent before he continued to say, “If the Nine Mainland could not accept the Raksasa Tribe, then we will fight for our place. But if they are willing to

co-exist, then that’s the best solution to avoid any unnecessary battles.”


The warriors around him immediately erupted into a heated discussion. The Raksasa King scolded, “Alaric, what are you talking about? The Yellow Emperor exiled the Raksasa Tribe to the Wild Deserted Secret Region thousands of years ago, and at the time, all the clans in the Nine Mailand allied to fight us off. How could they possibly want to co-exist with us? You are my son, and the future of the Raksasa Tribe rests upon your shoulders. You must remain unwavered in our one true goal, and that is to rule all of the Nine Mainland. How could you shy away from battles?”

Alaric was moved for a moment before he proceeded to explain, “Father, I do not fear war, but I just think that we should not harbor unnecessary hatred toward the Nine Mainland. Now that we have the strength to cross the Chaotic Mountain Range to their fertile lands, why can’t we settle for peace instead of raging war and destroying everything?”

“That’s enough!” The Raksasa King could no longer contain his rage and rebuked, “I will not hear anymore of that. You have allowed yourself to be manipulated by those two women from the Nine Mainland.”

“That’s right, Brother. Don’t believe anything those two women say. Our ancestors told us that people from the Nine Mainland are all scheming hypocrites, don’t be fooled by them,” Amastan said. He had been sitting at the side.

“I—” Alaric panicked when his father and brother doubted him. He wanted to persuade them, but he did not know where to start.


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