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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2361

‘The next time I see her, I will teach her a lesson.’

Meanwhile, on the vast sea.

Ambrose led those Blood Shark Pirates in a thousand sailboats. They sailed fast for one day and one night. They were fortunate that the weather was good and the sea was smooth.

As night fell, Ambrose and the many pirates entered their cabins for rest. Everyone was tired after they had sailed for nearly two days.

However, Eira was careful, and she had thought ahead. She suggested that Ambrose divide the pirates into three shifts—one to maneuver the ship, one to guard the surroundings, and one to rest. Those three shifts would take turns to be on duty.

Watson stood on the deck as he watched the sea.

As night fell and the shift rotated, Watson, as a yielder, was also put on duty with the pirates.

Several powerful pirates stood beside him, and their strength was only second to the Blood Sherlock Four Sisters.

Watson seemed to be watching the surrounding sea calmly, but he was anxious on the inside.

‘What do I do? Ambrose doesn’t trust me. Once I returned to the mainland, he would definitely hand me to Darryl. They’ll kill me if they charge me for fleeing the battle.’

However, the sea surrounded him; he had nowhere to go. The more Watson thought about it, the more anxious he felt.

“Look, something is happening over there!”

A mighty pirate next to Watson shouted when he noticed something.

Everyone immediately turned to look in the direction, and they were on their toes. They saw a giant shark with its fins above the water’s surface several hundred feet away; it swam toward the sailboats very quickly.

There was a person on the back of the giant shark, but the pirates on the sailboat could not see them clearly because of the waves.

Several of the powerful pirates got together and discussed what they saw. “Was that Donoghue? Should we report this to the Chief?”

“It couldn’t be him, right? Chief killed Donoghue’s giant shark.”


“I don’t think it’s possible either. Maybe the giant shark is just swimming with its young and leaping onto the surface to have fun. We might have been too nervous.”


Watson was inexplicably excited after he heard the pirates’ discussion. His mind churned for ideas quickly.


‘If that’s Donoghue, then there’ll be a fierce battle between him and Ambrose. I can take advantage of the chaos and leave in a small boat.’


Meanwhile, with the giant shark…

Donoghue laid on the back of the giant shark; he wanted to approach the sailboats with the sea as a cover-up.

He had tamed another giant shark successfully. He had met Ambrose and Heather at the bottom of the sea, and they had wounded him seriously. He was furious because his giant shark had been killed in the fight.

After he tamed another giant shark, Donoghue learned that Ambrose had led the pirate fleet back to the mainland, so he followed behind them quietly.


Donoghue was a very cunning man. He did not stand on the back of the giant shark. Instead, he laid low to reduce his visibility. With the waves as his cover, the pirates would not be able to spot him until it was too late. The pirates would be very surprised then.

A layer of mist formed on the sea’s surface, and the pirates lost sight of the giant shark.

“F*ck, I can’t see it anymore!”

Those pirates dared not let down their guards. They looked at each other and discussed the countermeasures.


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