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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2469


Darryl’s expression changed drastically the moment he fell into the abyss. He cursed, driving his Heavenly Halberd to the walls of the abyss to reduce his momentum of falling.

On the other side.

The war between the Nine Continent Army and Raksasa was still going on.

Yells and screams were heard on the battlefield with rivers of blood everywhere.

Regardless of the party, all of them were putting their lives on the line to kill each other, their eyes crimson. They were ready to fight to their last breath.

Chester, Dax, Quincy, and the others became weak, their faces pale.

Although the Nine Continent had the upper hand, sacrifices had to be made if they wanted a complete victory in the war. After all, the Raksasa Tribe warriors were vigorous in combat and they were not afraid to lose their lives.


A fit and curvaceous figure leaped into the sky that instant. She observed her surroundings before shouting to the Raksasa Tribe, “Listen, Warriors of Raksasa Army! Stop fighting this instant!”

A cold and dignified voice echoed across the battlefield. It was Natalie.

She had been extremely anxious ever since the war began because she knew that Raksasa Tribe’s army might be defeated completely if they kept fighting. The whole tribe might even perish from the world and that was not something that she wanted to see.


The Raksasa Army warriors stopped fighting upon Natalie’s order. The dozens of Generals raised their gazes to stare at her, confused.


Chester and Quincy shouted along when they noticed.

She had left a good impression on Chester and the others because she had listened to Darryl’s suggestion and she agreed to a peace treaty when she was held hostage by him. That was the reason Chester and Quincy instructed their subordinates to stop when they noticed Natalie ordering the Raksasa Army to stop.

The fierce battle stopped abruptly and everyone was fixing their gazes on Natalie as they wondered what the princess of the Raksasa Tribe would decide next.


Natalie looked around her before fixing her gaze on Chester, Quincy, and the others. She took a deep breath and spoke, “Continuing the fight wouldn’t benefit any of us. We, the Raksasa Tribe, should stop the war since we never intended to seize the Nine Continents anyway. We should all sit down and discuss a solution for us to coexist in peace.”

Chester, Quincy and the others exchanged glances before nodding silently.

Although she was a woman, Natalie had more knowledge as to the situation they were in, if compared to Raksasa King and Amastan. Besides, her taking the position for peace was a rare trait.


The Raksasa Army was in awe. Many of the warriors were not satisfied but they did not dare to oppose Natalie because of her domineering aura.

As the princess of Raksasa Tribe, she was the highest commander of the tribe after Raksasa King’s disappearance and the deaths of the Celtic brothers.

“Why should we make a treaty?”


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